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7:30 PM

Miyah's POV

I step back. Jake wants my help? What for? I clear my throat and breathe in.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.
"What do you think? Celebrating Alison and Thomas, of course." His face darkens. "I'm trying to break them up. DUH."

"Oh right." I say.

He leans in. "Wanna know my plan?" I nod.

Jake puts his face next to me and whispers. I smirk.

"That's actually a good idea." I whisper back. We both run to Mario's kitchen and grab a plate of freshly made slimy escargot.

"Do you know what Alison is allergic to?" I ask. Jake has already grabbed a jar of peanut butter. He scoops out a bit with his hands and smears it all on the snail.

"Isn't that too obvious?" I point out. Jake shakes his head

"We'll tell her it's a peanut free peanut butter.

"Wow. Is that even a thing?"

"Yeah" Jake passes the plate to the head chef and whispers instructions to him. I take a glance at his name tag that reads Mario. Mario nods and walks out of the kitchen. We follow behind him and watch as he offers the meal to her from a distance. I watch her eye the food and shake her head. Mario says something, Alison grimaces and takes the food. I see Thomas is sitting next to her and he tells her something. Alison nods and hands the plate back to the chef.

"DAMN IT" Jake yells

"I told you it was too obvious" I tell him.

"It's fine, she's also allergic to daisies."

"Like the flower? Where are we going to find them?"

"Uhhhhhh. I actually have no idea. But don't worry, I'll find a way. I just need you to distract Alison and Thomas" He runs off and I go off to talk with Thomas and Alison, but Thomas has fallen asleep on her shoulder so I approach Alison instead.

"Sorry about your wedd-" I start


"Yeah, but yesterday I found out that Thomas cheated on you."
Alison's jaw drops. ''WHAT??!?!?!?!? YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS. WHY WOULD HE DO THAT?!?!''

"" I'm stuck for words. "He told me." I hope she doesn't press for details. She looks at Thomas next to her and starts to cry. She sniffs and shakes her head.

"I thought he loved me" she wails. Alison stands up, trying to compose herself. Thomas wakes up and falls off her. ''DID YOU CHEAT ON ME?!??!" She shrieks. Thomas stands and looks around, confused. The audience turns to look at them, capturing the drama. I take the chance to run away, cackling. Alison keeps yelling and Thomas tries to soothe her.

"Babe, What's wrong? What happened? Just calm down and we can-" He gets cut off.

"CALM DOWN? DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME TO 'CALM DOWN' . I AM CALMED DOWN! AHHHHHHHHHHH" She screeches. She quickly takes her heels off and wacks Thomas on the head. Jake appears beside me and grins.

"You did a good job." He says. He hands me a bunch of white flowers.

"Do your thing" he laughs. I walk over to Thomas and give him the bouquet

"These are Alison's favourite flowers. Give them to her and she'd surely forgive you" I lie. I hide behind a pillar and watch Thomas limp along to the chairs. Jake slides in beside me, watching intensely. Thomas presents the flowers to Alison.
"ALISON I LOVE YOU" He confesses. Alison sneezes, and scratches her neck.

HATE ME BABY (LOVE ME BABY SEQUEL)Where stories live. Discover now