Chapter 30-Jumping To Conclusions

Start from the beginning

"Okay, okay. Sorry! My 'mom side' of me started to show. I just never had that 'My daughter has a boyfriend' experience before!" She said starting to get emotional.

Everyone aw'd at her reason. Now I understand, it was true. I never really had the experience with my mom- or I mean, Amy either. I had one boyfriend when we lived in Ohio but it wasn't anything to serious. More of a fling I guess...

"Well, we will get going now. I love you both. Have fun!" My mom said giving Niall and I a hug for the last time. I gave a hug to Greg and they were on their way to the car as well.

Harry, Niall and I started walking towards the bus where everyone else was already inside after their families have all left as well.

"Your guys' mum is such a sweetheart." Harry said laughing, bringing up the moment again.

Niall laughed and said thank you while I laughed and sighed and said thank you as well.

"You never compliment me like that Kendall." Harry said teasingly.

"Oh my god, Harry. You will NOT hold that against me to make me compliment you!" I said slapping his arm lightly while him and Niall laughed as we walked on the bus.

"So how did you like the show Kendall?" Zayn said to me as I sat down next to him on the couch.

"It was amazing! You guys did great. You have really loud fans though..." I said, remembering how I was so close to almost becoming deaf.

"Funny, you're one of them too." Rylan said laughing and sitting next to Liam on the other couch.

"You're one too! Don't just single me out Ry!" I said teasing her back. Everyone was laughing, thinking about the night when Harry called us out for being huge 'fan girls'.

"If you two never met us, would you guys have gone to one of our concerts and been like those other girls there?" Harry asked Rylan and I.

For awhile we didn't say anything. Rylan and I just looked at each other before thinking of a previous experience we shared that we thought was the best moment of our life.

"Yes we would have, honestly." I said nodding.

"Funny part of it is that we actually had the tickets to go to the staples center. We got them a week or two before we met you guys." Rylan said laughing.

"OH Yeah! We got them when we got our Ed Sheeran tickets! Oh my gosh.." I said to Rylan, remembering how excited we were when we got them. I started laughing with her.

"I am still amazed how calm you guys were when i started talking to you. Usually whenever we have fans that we see in public they are either calm and good at keeping conversation, like you guys, which let me note that barely ever happens, or they are crazy and start clawing at us and jumping on us. It's rude. But anyways, I could tell as soon as I saw how Harry was looking at you, that you two kids needed to get to know each other..." Louis said to us.

I glanced at Harry who was blushing, as I felt myself blushing as well. But I also knew Louis was half lying because of his confession of his feelings towards me not to long ago.

I responded to Louis, as I could feel everyone's eyes on me waiting to respond while I starred at Harry when I was in my deep thought,

"Trust me, I'm still kind of shocked too. I guess I just had this automatic thought of you guys being like my guy friends or something from school." I said looking around at them.

"Or maybe you had that twin sense when you saw Niall and you just became tranquillized or something!" Louis said causing us all to laugh, Niall and I especially.

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