Lilith freezes with her hand on the door. Slowly, she swivels herself toward me, "Is that what this is about?"

I look down at my feet and take a breath, punching myself in the face for saying that.

She walks up to me and gently uses one hand to lift my head up. Her eyes look softer, "You're worried that I can't look after myself?"
I shake my head and put my hand on top of hers, "I know you can. But I don't want anything to happen to you. I have this unexplainable urge to just... protect you." I close my eyes and shrug, "I don't know why. But I do know that if I let you go rescue Alina... something bad will happen."
Lilith rubs her thumb on my cheek, "How do you know?"
"I just... do."

We stand in silence. Neither of us hardly breathing, the intensity of the conversation wearing us both out. Actually, it looks like it's wearing Lilith out faster. Her normally rosy colored cheeks are pale, and her hand feels too warm. I see her waver a bit where she stands, but she quickly catches herself. That was odd...

She pulls my head down and rests my forehead against hers. I close my eyes and enjoy the moment.

I know Lilith won't listen to me. She'll go rescue Alina whether I'm on board with her plan or not. That's the thing about her - she's hard headed. She always puts others safety above her own, and does what she believes is right. It's an admirable trait, but I worry that it will soon get her into more trouble than she can handle.

Like now. I just know that something is going to go badly wrong it we go rescue Alina. I can't explain what the feeling is, but it's there. And it's telling me - screaming at me - not to let her go. But I don't think I'll be able to stop her.

"You know I can't leave her there." Lilith whispers.
Eyes still closed, I squeeze her hand gently, "I knew you wouldn't listen to me."
"Peter, if it were you in there-"
"You would come to rescue me, no matter the cost."

I open my eyes and move my head away to look down at her, "Because that's just who you are."
She blushes.
"You're kind, and you're good-hearted, and you're smart," I pause and brush a curl out of her face, "And you're the bravest person I know."

She beams, and I see that little crease in the corner of her mouth.
"You're not too bad yourself, you know."
"So I'm not a coward?"
The smile vanishes, and I instantly see guilt.
"I'm sorry," She says, "I was just angry that you wouldn't help and I said something I didn't mean. I'm sorry."
I shake my head, "I knew you didn't mean it. But did you really think I'd let you do it alone?"
She tangles her fingers together and begins pacing the room, "But I know you said you don't want to risk the Lost Boys' lives, and I don't want to either. I just don't know how we're going to rescue her without more people."

I absentmindedly run a hand through my hair, "We'll have to make do with what we have."

Lilith was still pacing, "What we have. What we have..."

She trailed off and stopped pacing, one hand near her mouth as she chewed on a nail.
"What is it?" I ask.
"Do you know what we have, Peter?" She excitedly asks, walking closer to me.
I shrug, "A charmingly handsome boy who can fly?"
She puts her hands on my arms, "What we have, is a whole colony of fairies who would gladly help rescue their princess, and a tribe of Piccaninnys who will always come to our aid."

I finally see where she's going with this. We can use the army of the fairies, and the warriors from the Piccaninnys to help us defeat both the pirates and the mermaids.

"Lilith!" I shout as I almost jump with joy, "You're a genius!"


Lilith and I quietly fly our way from one tall branch to another, doing our best not to be heard or seen. We figured being up in the trees gave us a better view, and an advantage in case any pirates were keeping watch in the bushes below.

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