we'll see.

kelly and leih are here now, trying to make me wake onika up. they came earlier than i told them so they're gonna have to wait until it's time to wake onika up. i'll be damned if i have to deal with her attitude cause she didn't get a full nap.

she'll be standing with her thumb in her mouth and a big pout on her face. nobody got time.

"aw, i miss you guys. you trynna make us leave her alone cause you want her for yourself. cute." leih smiled like it was such a core memory. this is everyday literally, just not with them.

"whatever. don't get my girlfriend too drunk cause y'all know she be ready to go to bed when she out of there." i pointed between the two. they smacked their lips but i was dead ass right now. all i want onika to get is tipsy. nothing more. "seriously. so leih keep that new liquor shit to yourself."

"but...i'm sure she'll try it with me. you damn sure not and kelly already said no."

"well she said no too. in advance." i gave a karen smile. i'm so serious cause if she get fucked up im gonna be mad as hell. it's okay for me to be drunk so we can get nasty, but i don't want her drunk. mainly cause i don't want her to be uncomfortable cause she can't lay down.....yaknow? thinking ahead of time.


"oop. wifey calling." i stuck my tongue out and skipped down the hallway to onikas room. she was still laying down looking sleep so i thought i was tripping. closing the door softly i walked back to the living room. "did yall hear onika call me?"


"ok so i'm not-"


"oh you better go. that sounded aggressive."

it did. i wasted no time going back. she still looked the same but this time i walked all the way in. her eyes opened and she reached for me, making me smile.

i leaned over to her, kissing her lips as she stretched.

"i know you heard me the first time. what are you doing?" she scrunched her eyebrows at me. damn. i felt like i was under my moms stare with that tone. lately she's been on my ass.

"i came in but i thought i was tripping cause you still looked asleep." i pecked her lips once more and sat up. she hummed like whatever before sitting up. "leih and kelly are here."

"really? i thought you were kidding about going out."

"no, i'm serious baby. leih has a new liquor but i told them not to get you drunk."

"oh if i go out tonight, i'm getting drunk." she lowered her voice while getting out the bed. i dropped my face at her, a little annoyed that she said that. why? "can you find me a dress?"

"i already did. i told you i was."

"oh...i didn't hear you then. i'm about to use it and start getting ready. get out please."

"why i gotta get out?" i slightly pouted. she just putting me out right now...rudeness. what if i wanted to help?

"because friends are here and i don't want them to come inside my room right now cause it's a mess. i need to get myself together mentally too. no distractions or i'll just give up and get in the bed. so go."

i rolled my eyes leaving out but shut the door kind of hard on purpose. i'm not upset, just thought it would be funny. she didn't think that though.

"do it again!!"

that scream made me put some pep in my step. i was in the living room quick. really i thought she was about to come out on my ass. leih and kelly looked confused as i giggled.

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