745 71 31

LA Hospital - 12pm

i was running from one baby to the next for all of three hours i've been here. being on the baby floor is cute and all but what they don't know is that it's the busiest of all floors. babies are very fragile and when they're sick it's so worrying. all the crying, is verryyy scary.

you have to treat that baby like it's yours. so breaks are rarely even a thing. break time will be over by time you really stop for yours. sky has been such a big help even though it's not her job to be doing what i do. she's like 80% front desk and the rest is floor work.

"i just need a suction please." i rocked the baby, jackson, while noticing his nose was stuffy. that could be why he's not sleeping long. could've sworn i laid him down like thirty minutes ago just to hear crying again. poor man.

sky left out the room and came back with the suction, staying on stand by in case i needed her again. she could tell i was beyond stressed today. my nerves all over the place. i wanted to curl in a ball a couple of times.

i laid the baby down, careful and softly. calming him down was my mission before starting to suck the snot from his nose. he didn't like it not one bit. honestly i wouldn't like anything going up my nose and pulling anything out. it's probably so uncomfortable to his tiny nose.

"i'm so sorry sweet boy." i continued until he was free from the shackles of his own snot. little man was super upset with me, kicking his feet and swinging his arms everywhere. i felt bad for even doing that, but it had to be done.

luckily not too long after, his parents came back. they'd went home to tend to their other children for school. i gladly handed him over to his dad, explaining to them everything. 

"he's doing better with movement, as he pooped twice. it's a much more solid consistency than before. improvement is being made. but i noticed he's having a stuffy nose. that'll be cleared soon so no worries."

"thank you, we really appreciate you."

"no problem." i gave a soft smile before leaving out the room. a huge sigh left my mouth as i threw away the gloves and cleaned my hands with sanitizer.

sky chuckled causing me to shake my head. we've been on our feet nonstop. that was the last baby that didn't have a parent with them yet so now that they're back, i can go on my break.

the next nurse will be attentive until i'm back.

"are we clear to break?" sky asked, following me to the back. i nodded my head and glanced at her. just these few hours, i need a freaking nap. maybe even a hug.

the amount of scares i've had....three babies choked...on nothing. and beyoncé had the nerve to say she wanted five?

i'm gonna have to make her rethink that one. anything she wants, i'm willing to give but this!? oh no. i can see me now...having to do majority of things cause she can't deal. beys very timid of small things. so imagine babies..

"your phone rung a couple times. i didn't wanna bother you with that while you were getting puked on and stuff."

"thank you. i'm starving, are you leaving for lunch?" i slightly scrunched my face not wanting my salad anymore. some chicken sounds amazing right now. all the work i've done, it's deserved. i could eat a whole bird.

maybe won't be good on my stomach but whatever for now. that sounds like a tomorrows problem. good thing i'm off and can make beyoncé lay with me for most of the day.

"yea. you coming along?"

"no, but is it okay if i send my money with you? i have to call my girlfriend back. i'm sure that was her calling."

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