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o + b residence - 5pm

onika should be on her way home by now and i can't wait. she won't be too excited to hear that we're going out tonight but i really do wanna have fun with her. it's been a minute since we last have. plus she loves kelly and leih so. win.

i had her steaming hot bath together and the house was cleaned so she had no excuse. there's enough time between now and when we leave so she'll be able to get her a nap in. it's been planned out since this mornings practice.

actually kelly came up with it all. she presented it to me hoping i would be on board, which i am. only because we could use a good drunk night out. 

they'll be coming by soon to help with getting ready. 

onika got off at 5, so when 5:45 hit i wasn't surprised to hear our front door opening. what i hoped not to hear were her groans of tiredness. so i met her at the door and took her backpack from her shoulder.

i kissed her lips twice with a smile.

"hi baby."


we walked to her room and i helped her strip from her scrubs. she didn't ask any questions which made this so much better. i got her in the water that wasn't so steaming anymore. that's good cause i didn't want it to burn her.

she sunk deep into the bubbles, closing her eyes. i raked her hair into a messy bun to keep it from getting wet. would hate for her to get upset about that. knowing she would. i don't know when her next hair appointment is set for.

"how was work mama?" i whispered, using the towel to rub against her skin as she relaxed. she barely answered any question i asked so i kept quiet at some point, just washing her body for her.

she'd even fallen asleep inside. i didn't bother her for a little minute until i noticed the water wasn't as warm anymore. getting her out was simple, she really did it herself just with closed eyes. amazed me honestly.

i kept kissing her every chance i could until she was in the bed. naked in her silk sheets and fluffy blanket. it seemed like the perfect time to let her know about tonight. as she was waiting for me to lay on her for the best sleep.

"we're going out tonight baby." i sat on my knees beside her. she knitted her eyebrows, looking at me like i wasn't talking to her. "kelly made plans for us, so i want you to-"

"i'm not going anywhere. neither are you."

"but...i think a night out would be nice. it's been a minute since we've last had some fun. i think we would really enjoy ourselves."

"i can enjoy myself sleeping."

"but you're off tomorrow so..."


"please? it's been a hot minute. what happened to you being open to going out and stuff?"

she shrugged rolling over so her head was on my thighs. i rubbed her hair, smoothing it back before kissing her forehead. i'm still gonna try to get her out tonight. honestly i feel like she's getting into that little lazy mood of hers.

usually i would love it but not right now. i would like for us to focus on finding a place to move together. and this whole thing with my coach i'm praying we don't go through anything with the custody of mya again.

we're definitely moving a good distance away.

"i'm gonna get our clothes out for tonight while you sleep." i softly moved her head and went to her closet. i'm finding her stuff first since it just might be the hardest. onika a super fine, i don't want nobody being able to look at her too long. but i do need her to be sexy as hell.

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