Chapter 32

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Has the company changed hands?

Suyue Entertainment?

"Tianliang Wangpo, your company belongs to me." In just one line of words, there is a touch of disdain and frivolity in the cloud and wind, and there is a letter Y in the lower right corner.

No... Ruan You couldn't have done it!

Pull, God pull.

When the melon-eaters in the live broadcast room saw this prosperous scene, the first name that popped up in their minds was her.

Two days ago, she posted a blog directly against Su Yue Entertainment, which caused an uproar. When Su Yue Entertainment posted a teasing Weibo, everyone thought she would come out to refute, but there was no follow-up article.

It doesn't make sense that she fought back against Suyue Entertainment at first, and then disappeared inexplicably, her attitude was inconsistent, and she felt like running away after half the battle.

This matter had such a great impact on her, she would never be so stupid as to start a war and leave suddenly. Seeing this line of words lit up on the building, everyone's first reaction was——

Probably Ruan Yo!

The company naturally refers to Suyue Entertainment, which has been the most outstanding these days. Moreover, the scale of Suyue Company is not large, and it is possible to complete the acquisition in just two or three days.

The barrage exploded directly.

[My mother, Ruan You is doing big things in silence]

【Hahaha I'm so happy to see Yu Yao's pale faces】

[Your company belongs to me. It's a bad word. It's even worse than your company going bankrupt. I want to see the scene when Yu Yao and the garbage broker go to see the boss tomorrow. Ruan You, it's you, right? Well, it must be you they saw! 】

[Visual inspection of Ruan You's Shuangwen heroine script, she died laughing, and turned around and became the boss of her own company]

[Are the luminous characters on this company building expensive? My family, Ruan You is so rich now? 】

[Could it be the only brother who did it? 】

【I feel like the only one. How could Ruan You have so much money? I read an interview before saying that she was adopted. She didn't live with her adoptive parents when she was in high school. After she became an adult, the two parties canceled the adoptive relationship...】

[I have seen it too. At that time, I was sad and felt that life alone was not easy. I didn't expect this person to be Ruan You? 】

[It should be Ruan You, Y is Yo]

[Maybe it's the only one? 】


The identity of the person who bought the company remains a mystery.

Netizens analyzed after returning to sanity, and felt that the chances of Ruan You buying the company and using the building to make a sound were very small.

She has no money.

Zhang Xun and Du Sheng, who were watching the live broadcast, had their eyes dazed. After seeing the netizen's analysis, their aching heads improved slightly. of."

In fact, whether it is "the only brother" or Ruan You, they have nothing to eat after returning to the company. But now there is no chance to choose the fruit. What is before them is the two roads of three-point bad and seven-point bad.

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