Chapter 21

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Lu Ming and Jiang Li didn't expect that the noble son with outstanding temperament would have such a cute name, and he wanted to laugh when the filter was broken.

Ruan You gave a guilty smile, pursed her lips and stood up obediently, looking down at Gu Fuchen secretly like a thief.

One sentence directly caused Brother Ba to fall from the altar.

Gu Fuchen sighed inwardly, the shameful nickname his sister accidentally said completely ruined the domineering persona he had so hard to build up.

But he couldn't get angry, and even felt that the way his sister was guilty of peeping at him was so cute.

Facing his sister's friend, "Ruan Chenchen" said in a pretentious manner: "Well, my name is Ruan Chenchen."

Ruan You: ...

She was eager to end this embarrassing meeting, so she turned to Lu Ming and said, "I'm going home first, let's get together next time."

Lu Ming has a lot of happy events that he wants to share with Ruan You.

A piece of abandoned land in the family was bought by a noble lady at a high price. Her mother was happy all day long, and the most surprising thing was that she became friends with that lady; Ruan Ruan was right, they all have a bright future!

But now is not a good time to chat, Lu Ming could only nod with a smile and say, "Okay!"

"Ruan Chenchen" didn't want to hang around in front of his sister's friends with a shameful name, and followed his sister to the escalator in a hurry.

Before Ruan You took two steps, she caught a glimpse of an "acquaintance" out of the corner of her eye.

"Jiang Li? Luming?"

Duan Dai came out of the private movie theater, and when she saw Jiang Li, she called out to her. Next to Duan Dai was Luo Ze, a bamboo horse who regarded Erlang Shen's dog as its master.

Ruan You didn't like him at all.

Lu Ming didn't dare to talk to Duan Dai, because the social network between people is very complicated. Research friend Jiang Li lives in the adjacent dormitory with Duan Dai, and they are familiar with each other. Jiang Li, who had a holiday between Duan and Dai, had to maintain the relationship between friends.

Duan Dai chatted with Jiang Li, Lu Ming stood alone, and Ruan You stayed with her for fear of her embarrassment. Luo Ze next to him glanced in Ruan You's direction. Ruan You covered her face with a scarf, her eyes widened in dissatisfaction, "What are you looking at?"

If you can't reveal your identity in front of strangers and retort back, you don't have to show mercy to Luo Ze.

She didn't want to maintain a decent relationship with him.

Luo Ze recognized Ruan You, and his appreciative eyes instantly turned cold: "Tch, why is it you."

Ruan You was speechless, seeing her still despise her? ?

"Eat something good to nourish your brain."

Gu Fuchen kept a straight face, and said in a gloomy voice, "Shut up."

Luo Ze panicked in his heart, because Qingmei Duan Dai was still here, he forced himself to calm down and let out two soft sighs, very imposing, but he didn't say anything disrespectful after that.

Duan Dai felt the tit-for-tat atmosphere here, and hurried over. After seeing Ruan You clearly, her smile froze, her eyes flickered and she was embarrassed to look at her, and she tugged Luo Ze's elbow: "Let's go."

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