Chapter 55 - The Mutt Of The Group

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Joe and his crew gathered outside of the bar called the "Milky Nips". The bar had a giant neon sign with the silhouette of a woman drinking a cocktail. There was no window at all on the building to the bar, and loud music could be heard playing inside. There was a pair of thick metal doors leading in. One door for VIP's and the other for everyone else. The bar seemed like it was a popular place, as there was a lineup of people waiting to get inside.

Dan: "Is this the place?"

Joe: "I guess?" he said, sounding unsure.

Dan: "Why don't you sound sure?"

Joe: "This place used to be a shit hole the last time I was here years ago, but it has changed a lot since then. There's actually people waiting to get in," he said while looking at the lineup of people dressed like they're ready to party.

Mike: "Are we sure that our guy still even works here?"

Joe: "No, but only one way to find out," he said as approached the front of the bar.

Standing at the door to the bar were two large and muscular mutant men both wearing matching white t-shirts and brown suspenders. One of them was a Lion mutant with a feline head and a full golden mane and fur. The lion mutant had no tail. The other was a crocodile mutant with a long snout and rows of sharp teeth like the animal he took after. The mutant crocodile man was covered in leathery scales from head to toe with a thick tail sticking out his back.

They were clearly bouncers for this establishment.

Lion Mutant: "To the back of the line with ya."

Joe: "I'm here to see Cory."

Crocodile mutant: "Who's asking to see that mutt?" he said, with his arms crossed while leaning near the entrance of the bar.

Joe: "Go fuck yourself!" he yelled out.

Dan and a bunch of people in the nearby line who saw this were all shocked. All the onlookers were thinking the same thing: "This guy is screwed".

The crocodile mutant straightened his posture and made a hissing sound similar to what his feral animal counterpart might have made as a warning. His reptilian expression made it hard to tell what he was thinking, but between the sound he was making and what was said, everyone would assume the mutant man was angry.

The mutant crocodile man walked over to Joe. He got real close and bent down to stick his face right into Joe. He stared down the detective with his reptilian eyes, clearly trying to intimidate him. Joe continued with a deadpan expression and refused to show any sign of what he was feeling.

The rookie officer watched on as his leader was confronted by a much bigger and scary-looking mutant man. Sweating with worry that this was about to turn into a confrontation.

Crocodile mutant: "Are you friend or foe to that mutt?"

Joe: "Why does it matter?"

Crocodile mutant: "It doesn't," he said as he backed away from Joe. "But, if you are a foe to Cory, I will tell you this. If you want to rough him up a bit, me and the rest of the boys will look the other way."

Joe: "What's that supposed to mean? Is he not popular around here or something?"

Crocodile mutant: "Heh. You have no idea," the mutant lizard man said before walking over to the VIP door and pulling it open. "Anyways, in ya go," he said while gesturing to Joe and his crew to head inside with his thumb.

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