Chapter 6 - The end of old grief and beginning of new

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The night before at Graheel police headquarters.

Despite being almost midnight, it was still hectic inside the headquarters

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Despite being almost midnight, it was still hectic inside the headquarters.

There were people walking around carrying giant folders of paperwork. Rows of police sat at desks, writing a series of never ending reports. Officers were constantly entering and leaving the building, sometimes with people in handcuffs.

Graheel was a city that was just as active during the night as it was the day. A reality that was reflected in the local police department. If the city was to never sleep, so too would the cops.

In one corner of this large building was an officer, waiting impatiently at his desk. This officer was dressed differently from the others. He wore a long trench coat and a fedora to hide his receding hairline. If one was to take off this person's coat, they would find suspenders and a halter for a firearm underneath.

This man was named Joe, and he was a detective in an investigation unit. Currently, he was waiting for his partner Mike to get done talking with the police chief, while he sat here and thought of the recent happenings.

Joe couldn't believe it. After all this time and effort, the man he was chasing for years just turned himself in. He was so shocked he didn't believe it at the time. He had to get Mike to say it to his face a few times before it sunk in. Joe had been working for so long to find this guy, and just like that, all his work was subverted. If Joe was more invested in advancing his career, he might've been more pissed at the wasted effort, but for him this was personal.

He wanted to be the one to bring down Rob Anvil. It was his vendetta against him. He was not so brazen as to want to take the law into his own hands, but wanted at least some involvement in Rob's arrest and sentencing. A sort of revenge against Rob for the people he had murdered. That was why he was waiting at his desk.

Joe and his partner were about to be taken off the case, and his partner was talking to the police chief to allow them to stay on. When Rob turned himself in, the chief decided to move the case to another unit.

Joe knew it was done out of pettiness. Joe's relationship with the police chief goes back and forth between good and bad, and right now it was bad. So Mike decided that it would be better if he talked to the chief while Joe waited outside.

Joe just sat at his desk, playing with his pen for five minutes when the door to the chief's office flung open and Mike walked out.

Mike was a little younger than Joe and also dressed the same, but didn't wear a fedora. Mike was Joe's partner in crime and someone he trusted and knew very well. So, he could tell just by Mike's expression that it didn't go well.

Joe: "It didn't go well, did it?"

Mike just let out a deep and long sigh.

Mike: "I got good news and bad news."

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