Chapter 19 - Death and Rebirth

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Scarlett awoke.

She picks herself while feeling a sense of brain fog. Looking around, there was only a void. A vast black emptiness, seemingly without end.

Scarlett: "Oh. Is this what the afterlife is like?" She said as he voiced echoed in the vast emptiness.

It was hard for her to think, but she vaguely recalled the last few seconds before she lost consciousness. The memory of that time told her that she was dying, and the strangeness of what she was feeling now was telling her that she might already be dead.

The more she thought about it, the more she realized there were gaps forming in her memory, and she could tell those gaps were getting bigger by the second.

Scarlett: "Oh, I see. My memories will fade with my life. I guess that makes sense. That's how it goes, I guess," she said calmly.

There was no fight left in her. She was all too willing to give into her current circumstance. Her memories would fade, but the bad memories would disappear with them too. Once those memories were gone, she would also be free of that guilt and pain that haunted her for a year and a half. She was ready to rest.

She gave her surrounding one last look before she prepared to close her eyes forever.

Scarlett: "Huh. No gate of light or burning landscape like those religious zealots like to preach about. Good thing too. There was no way I was going to get past those holy gates," she said as her voice echoed in the emptiness.

She could still vaguely recall some of the religious preaching she used to get from her aunt. Talking about how if you don't follow the church of light's teachings, you won't be able to pass the gates of light and get into paradise. Instead, you'll be banished to a nameless land of fire and torment.

She turned around expecting to see more void, but was met with the sight of a tree with white leaves. The tree kinda looked like an oak, but was gigantic, bigger than any building she could still recall. It had a mysterious glow to it that felt unnatural, especially in this place, but it was calming. Its white leaves gently rustled, despite there being no wind.

 Its white leaves gently rustled, despite  there being no wind

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Yggdrasil." That word popped into her head, but she couldn't recall where she had heard that name.

"Is that the name of what this is?" She thought to herself, while trying to wrack her brain where she heard that name.

While she was standing there trying to recall things from her deteriorating memory, the tree rustled again vigorously. A few leaves fell from its branches and started to drift towards her. Seeing the leaves come to her, she tried to catch one of the glowing leaves, as she did, the leaf broke into thousands of little pieces and seemed to enter her body.

The brain fog she was experiencing suddenly cleared and she could now remember where she heard the name.

Scarlett: "That's the tree John was talking about. Why is it in the afterlife?"

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