Chapter 30 - His name is...

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More than one and always two

Forever more beyond your view

Cometh summer to winters breath

Celebrate life to fear coming death

Blacken lands of soot and fire

Tell of ancient stories prior

Misty future, forgotten past

Eternity that never last

Cold chill to the warm embrace

Bring forth life and divine grace

What is life will one day lie

On that day one will cry

Chant of dancing liars bones

Deep beneath the dirt and stones

Corrupted words lead to sin

Change everything that has always been

Forbidden Secrets in the dark

Desire more two will embark

What is death cannot die

Hope or Doom is always nigh

Must be two like sun and moon

Less than two is to be out of tune

Sing they will of forgotten age

The story of the final page

Kindness of death and cruelty of life

Covered eyes to back with knife

Sadness come to carry on

One will now carry dawn

Always more than one

Now less than two

—Ancient Giants Poem "The Sisters"

Two weeks had passed since Jafar made the discovery of chemicals in people's blood. During the afternoon, In one of the study rooms in the library at Graheel university, was Alan and his two friends Jafar and Sere sitting around a table. Jafar was on the one available computer in this room while Sere was going through stacks of books.

Alan was looking off into space with a dead look in his eyes.

Alan: "I'm so fucked."

Today was the final day of exams. Alan had just finished writing his exam a few hours ago and was in a complete state of dread over it. He felt that he bombed on that last written test he did.

Jafar: "Well, maybe you should have studied more," he said while he was typing away at the computer.

Alan: "It was that damn class on giants. Like, really. When are we ever going to need to know weird ancient giant poems?"

Jafar: "Giants are a very old and powerful race. They still live on this continent too. So, I can see the importance of learning about them a little."

Alan: "But why their poetry? Like that strange poem 'The Sisters', the one doesn't rhyme well."

Jafar: "Actually, as I understand. It supposedly rhymes really well in the original language of the giants."

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