Chapter 35 - Past Mistakes of an Officer

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Joe just got off a bus and started walking along the street. It was the morning after they discussed going to the east end.

They couldn't drive a vehicle into St Vaal street, as it was an old street that wasn't designed to have vehicles driven on it. So, he left his vehicle at home today and opted to take a bus to Benny's today, with the intention of walking to St Vaal street from there.

He continued to walk along the street until he stood in front of the familiar diner. He could already smell tea being brewed and greasy bacon being cooked. It whetted his appetite. He loved the food here and how cheap it was. He suggested meeting here so he could get a good meal before heading off to the east end.

He pushed open the eatery's front door, ringing a bell, informing the waitress of his presence. A familiar cat girl mutant turned her head towards Joe with a smile and greeted him.

Jenny: "Hello Joe. Your friend is already here at your usual table," she said.

Joe: "Oh, Mikey is here already?"

Jenny: "No, it's your other friend. The new guy," she said, while pointing to Joe's regular table.

Joe turned his head and sitting at a table was Dan, waving his hand at him. He nodded to Jenny and then walked over to the table and took a seat beside Dan.

Joe: "I see you up and early."

Dan: "Yup, I don't live too far from here. So, it was easy to get here".

Joe: "Huh", was all he said, before turning towards Jenny. "Hey, Jenny. Can we get two regulars?" he called out to her.

Jenny: "Sure thing, hun," she said before calling out to the kitchen to prepare Joe's order.

Dan: "Um, shouldn't we wait for Mike before we order?"

Joe: "Why? I'm hungry now. If you're worried about upsetting Mike, don't be. He won't care if we start eating without him."

Dan: "If you say so."

Joe: "Also, when you came in, you didn't say anything weird to Jenny, did you?"

Dan: "W-what? No, at least I don't think I did. I just asked for a table for three when I got here."

Joe: "Just making sure you're not being an ass to Jenny just cause she's a mutant."

Dan: "I've been doing my best to unlearn all those stereotypes. I don't make any assumptions about mutants after what you told me last time about them."

Joe: "You shouldn't make assumptions about any people. The crap you spouted to us a few weeks ago is something that's not that easily unlearned. But, I suppose you've been spending a lot of time with Mike, so he's probably sorted you out a little. By the way, how's training with Mike? I know I haven't been able to spend as much time training you as Mike."

Joe hasn't spent too much time with Dan since he joined his unit. Mike had been keeping him away from Joe. Afraid that Dan would be admonished for every little thing, lowering his confidence and making him more likely to transfer out of the unit.

However, Joe wasn't going to do that. He had every intention of keeping his word and wouldn't do anything to purposely make Dan leave. He made that promise with Mike believing Dan would eventually leave his unit on his own. He could tell right away that their personalities didn't mesh well, and felt that Dan would eventually get sick of Joe and want to transfer to another unit on his own. So, he thought all he had to do was wait.

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