Chapter 34 - Confirm and Prepare

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"It is well established that there are two classes of curses that are commonly known within academia. However, there is a rare class of this magic simply known as Deadly. This class of curse goes against conventional understanding of curse magic and can, and will, kill the target of the curse. Making this kind of curse very lethal.

"Deadly curses are not well known, as they have very rarely been observed by experts within the field of curses. Most records of these types of curses are from second hand accounts. On rare observation of this kind of curse, the victim always die's relatively quickly once they notice they've been cursed.

"Unlike most conventional curses, there is not necessarily any physical disfiguration associated with this kind of curse. Deadly curses are more associated with causing pure mental anguish by means of dreams or unpleasant feelings. They also do not always leave any unique marker on their victims upon death like normal curses.

"The source of these kinds of curses are unknown. Older records seem to indicate that nameless cults are the primary user and invokers of these kinds of curses. It has also been reported that certain artifacts from ancient civilizationsivilisations past have deadly curses placed on them and activate when disturbed. Unfortunately, none of these claims has yet to be sufficiently substantiated as of the publishing of this book."

—"Advance Knowledge of the Dark Arts" by Archmage Dakka Vinko.

The office that most investigators worked at was busy with activity. Officers were working at their desk and dozens of others were walking around with folders of documents. There was a constant stream of people entering and leaving every few minutes.

Joe was sitting at his desk within the police headquarters reading "Advance Knowledge of the Dark Arts"

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Joe was sitting at his desk within the police headquarters reading "Advance Knowledge of the Dark Arts".

Joe: "Well fuck me. Wren was right. It might very well have been a curse that killed Rob." he said to himself.

Since the run-in with Wren the cultist, Joe and his team had been doing a bit of research into his claims. One of the first things he did was to get Mike to see if the Putrid Rot cult was on the black list for cults. They also did a background check of Wren and didn't find anything strange. They found that he had lived in and operated that store for over fifteen years without any notable incident.

Joe had also looked into the rumors Wren mentioned, but didn't find anything interesting about the rumored "Keeper".

He did, however, just discover the validity of Wren's suspicion of a powerful curse on Rob.

"Advance Knowledge of the Dark Arts" seemed to confirm that these powerful curse's do exist and have some of the same properties he felt when Rob died, specifically the "unpleasant feelings" the book mentions. It was starting to look like Joe had found the murder weapon. Now he just needed to figure out who.

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