Chapter 44 - Into the Fire

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Alan and his friends wandered through the hall of the library building. They were moving through it slowly and quietly, as not to alert anyone of their presence. They carefully approach the corner of each hallway they explored and peek around the corner, making sure they didn't accidentally bump into Cid or anyone else. They were fortunate that every hall was empty. But, there was one problem, they had lost track of Cid.

Sere: "Where did he go?" she whispered.

Alan: "He might be in the main library. Let's check that area next," he whispered back.

They started heading towards the main area where the books are all stored, all while checking each room along the route. Every door they tried to open was locked. The automatic locking system of the university library also affected the door on the inside as well. They assumed that if it was locked, it meant that Cid wasn't in that room anyway. Based on what they had learned about the gum in the latch method, it didn't seem like Cid could just open any door.

They continued along until they finally made it to the doors of the main library area. The doors had an extravagant design similar to the front door of the building. Beyond those doors were shelves of books and study rooms.

Alan slowly reached towards the door and pulled on the handle, trying to be as quiet as possible. Unlike all the other doors they tried to open on the way here, this door easily opened. He then quickly examined the latch of this door. Just like the other door they used to enter the building, there was gum forced into it, jamming the door bolt.

Alan: "It's that gum trick again."

Jafar: "He must be in there somewhere then."

Sere: "Must be."

They then entered the main area of the library.

It was dark. The only source of light was from windows and some lights that were embedded into the floor, creating slightly illuminated pathways through the library to walk along. A design to help prevent people from tripping and seeing where they are walking.

The darkness that was around them had a strange feeling to it. It felt more ominous, like Alan and his friends were being watched.

They slowly walked along the rows of bookshelves, making sure to peek around every corner before walking forward. Looking down the aisles, Alan didn't see anyone. It was too dark to see to the end of the other side.

Jafar tried looking down the rows of bookshelves with his binoculars, since they had a night vision function to them

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Jafar tried looking down the rows of bookshelves with his binoculars, since they had a night vision function to them. The binoculars gave a green tint to everything he looked at through them. As they were moving along, Jafar saw something move.

Jafar: "Wait a second, I saw something," he whispered to friends.

Alan: "What did you see?" he whispered back.

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