Chapter 9 - Where Things Begin

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In a far away land in the distant past, a young twelve year old Scarlett was running through an empty field with great excitement. In her hand held close to her chest was a red glass sphere.

She had finally done it, after countless attempts. She had managed to infuse pure flame energy into glass. She had tried hundreds of times, but this was the first time she had managed to do it without the glass melting.

She was rushing off to where her teacher was staying. She didn't know how long the infused glass would last, so she needed him to look at it right away.

Young Scarlett eventually came to the edge of a wooded area with a path. The road ahead was shaded by giant trees and it looked as though this route was rarely used. Even so, the day was bright and the greenery looked welcoming, so the young girl continued on her journey.

 Even so, the day was bright and the greenery looked  welcoming, so the young girl continued on her journey

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Taking that path, she made her way through the overgrowth to a simple hidden loge. She immediately entered inside to find a handsome red haired older man with red slitted reptilian eyes. He was slim in his appearance, but carried himself with a certain air of old wisdom. He was reading a book inside the quant and simply furnished interior of his lodge.

The man was named Cinder, a fire dragon in Human form and Scarlett's teacher. The man noticed Scarlett entered and looked up from his book in surprise.

Cinder: Oh Scarlett. What's got you so excited?

Scarlett: "Teacher, teacher. I finally did it. I infused flame into glass, like you told me too."

Cinder: "Really? If that is true, let me see."

Scarlett presented the glass sphere to her teacher. He carefully took the sphere from her hand and held it up to the light. He rotated it a few times while closely examining it.

Cinder: "Pretty basic, but I would not expect less from a first success."

He placed the sphere on the table and smiled at Scarlett.

Cinder: "Congratulations, you passed. This is indeed a successful infusion of glass and flame." He said as he patted her head.

Scarlett was ecstatic. She was becoming a ball of pent up excitement and happiness from the praise she was getting from her teacher.

Scarlett: "I did my best. It was a lot of work."

Cinder: "I can tell. So, can you tell me the process that you did to get this result?"

Scarlett: "Ok. Well, previously the glass always melted or shattered when I tried infusing it. I started slowing down the rate of Aether that I was putting into it, that kept it from shattering, but not melting."

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