Chapter Thirty-Seven

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"Where are you meeting Hardy?" Joanne asks as she stops the car in front of the mall.

"Food court," I say, unbuckling my seatbelt. "He said he's starving and needed a pretzel."

"Be safe," Joanne says.

I smile at her. "I doubt anything is going to happen when Jack's around. He wouldn't let it."

"I'm just saying maybe you should give the boy a chance," Joanne says, winking over at me.

"Joanne," I sigh. "You know why I can't date."

"I'm just making a point. Have fun."

I close the car door and head inside the mall. Ever since my coffee date with Claire last weekend I haven't been able to shake the feeling that someone is watching me. Sometimes it goes away for a little while, but in general the feeling is still there.

Jack: Where are you? I got pretzels.

Me: Almost there.

I put my phone back into my pocket and step onto the elevator. The escalators are down and I'm not the only one cramming onto the elevator.

The doors close and I freeze, staring into the reflective doors. My eyes meet Marcus's in the mirrored surface, and I feel the hard press of a weapon in my side.

He leans down and whispers in my ear, "Don't move, sweetheart."

I cast my gaze around the elevator and no one is looking at us. Even if they were, I'm not sure what I'd say. It feels like Marcus has pressed a gun against my side, and I know with all my heart that he will shoot. Maybe not me; maybe he'd shoot someone else.

The elevator doors open and everyone pushes past us.

"You're going to walk out there nearest exit, and you're going to come with me. Do you understand, Sarah?"

I swallow, my breath choking my own throat. "We need to avoid the pretzel stand. My friend is waiting for me over there." The last thing I need is for Jack to play the hero, because I have no doubt in my mind that he will, and then his death will be on my hands. I think of Kim and Kyle, who've already lost their husband and dad, and I know I can't be the reason they lose him.

"It seems like you're still the smart little girl," Marcus purrs, and my skin crawls.

He pushes me forward and I step out, heading to the closest exit. Marcus stays right behind me. I know we have to look odd, but no one gives us a second glance.

My phone vibrates in my pocket and I know it's Jack asking where I am, but I don't react. Maybe if I can keep my phone on me Agent James can track it. That is, he can track it if he knows I'm missing.

Marcus pulls out the gun for real when we get into the parking lot and directs me to a very familiar car. In fact, he directs me to Jonas's mom's car.

I climb in, my mind whirring. Why the hell does he have Mae's car? I know Jonas doesn't like me, but he doesn't even know who I am. I'm still trying to puzzle out what's happened to Jonas and his mom and barely notice Marcus handcuffing me and pushing me into the back. The seats are down so I'm forced to lay down.

He slides into the driver's seat and pulls out.

"Why are we in the Levy's car?" I ask, proud of myself for how steady my voice is.

"Mae and Jonas are the whole reason I've finally found you, Sarah."


Marcus laughs. "Mae and I reconnected recently. You know, we used to date in high school but broke up when we went off to college. Imagine my surprise when she talks about her son's girlfriend who looks so much like Sarah Livingston. It's even more astounding when she sends me a homecoming picture of the two of you and it is Sarah Livingston in it! My Sarah! Imagine that. The stars aligned for me. I decided at that point that Mae and I should rekindle our relationship in person."

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. There's no way Mae or Jonas could have known, and I'm relieved by this. At least they didn't have it out for me; it was simply a list of inevitable events.

Truth be told, I've always known it was going to end up like this. I can only run for so long - Marcus was always going to catch me. He's gotten closer and closer each time.

"Joanne and Agent James are going to be looking for me."

"We'll be long gone by then, Sarah."

My stomach twists at this news. I don't want to be dragged along behind Marcus; if I'm being honest with myself, I'd rather die than be subject to any more of his torture.

"Are we leaving right away?"

"No, we have to stop over at the house for the night."

"Where are Mae and Jonas?" I ask. I don't think either of them particularly like me, but I doubt they'll condone keeping me hostage. That seems a bit excessive.

"They're at the house."

"Are they alive?"

"For the moment," Marcus shrugs. "We'll see."

I nod, more to myself than to him. At least Mae and Jonas aren't dead, at least not yet. If I can play my cards right, hopefully no one has to die.

"Tell me how much you've missed me, Sarah."

I bite my tongue, refusing to give him what he wants.

"What, you're suddenly shy?"

"Fuck you, Marcus," I hiss. "Like seriously. Fuck you."

"Now, that's no way to talk to me!" Marcus hisses.

"I hate you."

"Not for long," Marcus says, smiling over his shoulder at me. The sight makes me shudder. "Before long you'll be my favorite toy again."

"Over my dead body."

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