Chapter Seven

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Jonas stiffened before we both turned to Hardy, who was glowering down at us. Jonas is tall, but Hardy still has at least an inch or two on him.


"What are you doing here?" Hardy sneers and I blink at him. He's always seemed nice enough to me, but the boy glaring daggers at Jonas looks downright dangerous. For the first time I consider the fact that Hardy could really hurt someone if he wanted to.

"He's walking me to class," I say when it's clear neither of the boys are going to speak.

Hardy turns his angry gaze to me, and I take an involuntary step back. His face instantly softens when he sees my reaction.

"Is there a problem here?" Ms. Jefferson asks, poking her head out of the door.

"No ma'am," Jonas and Hardy chorus together.

She turns to me, and I give a small shrug. Taking the opportunity to escape I push past the boys and take the same seat I sat in yesterday. Unlike yesterday, Hardy stomps in and takes the seat next to me. I bite back a sigh.

"You shouldn't be hanging out with him," Hardy hisses to me, his scowl still in place.

"Who?" I ask, digging through my bag to try and find my favorite pen. It writes in purple.


I raise my eyes and give Hardy an exasperated look. "You're going to have to be more specific."

"Jonas!" Hardy hisses.

"Why?" I think back to not even five minutes ago. "He was really nice to me."

"He's bad news," Hardy grinds out.

"Okay class," Ms. Jefferson says, stepping back into the room.

I hope this signals the end of the conversation but my phone buzzes in my pocket a moment later. Pulling it out I see a text message from Hardy. I consider ignoring it, but I haven't given Hardy my number. How did he get it? My blood runs cold. If Hardy can get it, can he?

I unlock my phone and read his text.

Hardy: Stay away from Jonas.

Me: How did you get my number?

Hardy: I asked around.

Me: Who gave you my number?

I glance over at Hardy, and he at least has the decency to look ashamed.

Hardy: I got it from the front office. I told them I needed to contact you about a class project, and we'd forgotten to exchange numbers.

My heart slows down slightly. I'm not happy the office gave out my number, and I'd definitely have to tell Joanne so she can speak to Agent James about the lack of security, but this isn't some loose end he can exploit.

Hardy: You didn't text me, so I just took things into my own hands.

Stay away from Jonas.

Me: Why?

Hardy: He's bad news.

Me: He was really nice to me.

Hardy: You just don't understand who he is. I do.

Me: Because you two used to be friends?

Hardy: He told you about that?

Me: Yes.

I glance over at Hardy and he's frowning down at his phone.

He starts to furiously type but before he can send the message Ms. Jefferson sails by and grabs his phone.

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