Chapter Ten

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"You have another visitor," Officer Patrick says, sticking his head into my room.

Joanne and I exchange a surprised look.

"I thought you said you didn't have any friends," Joanne says.

"I don't," I mutter. "Do you know who it is?" I'm almost scared its Bethany. While I think she owes me an apology, I'm not entirely certain I want her in my hospital room. Especially not with Joanne here; the woman may not be my mother, but she's gone up to bat for me time and time again and Bethany is at the top of her shit list.

"It's a boy named Jonas."

I perk up at this news. "Definitely send him up."

As soon as Officer Patrick has left Joanne turns to me with a raised eyebrow. "I thought you said you didn't have any friends?"

I shrug. "Okay, maybe I do have one friend. He had lunch with me and was really nice. He and Hardy used to be friends, but something happened and they aren't now."

Before Joanne could ask any more questions there is a knock on the door. Unlike Hardy, Jonas didn't wait for me to call out. He opened the door a heartbeat later.

"You must be Jonas," Joanne says stepping forward and offering her hand.

Jonas shook it with a smile. "Yes, ma'am."

"I'll let you two have some privacy. Call me if you need anything, dear," Joanna says, bending down and giving me a kiss on the forehead before turning to leave.

Jonas steps forward and takes the seat next to my bed. "How'd you get the private digs?"

I glance around the room and realize for the first time most people have roommates in the hospital. I'd always had the money to have my own room, so it just hadn't occurred to me that being alone was different. Now, of course, I'm also alone because I have to have a guard outside my door 24/7.

"We're independently wealthy," I say, but it comes out almost like a question.

"I wish," Jonas sighs. He glances up at me and I'm lost in his warm eyes. "I feel like I owe you an apology."

I stare at Jonas, positive I'm missing something. "What did you do?"

"I should have warned you about Bethany and Hardy. I've always known she's psycho enough to really hurt someone."
            "That's not fair, to anyone. You didn't know she would do this because it was an accident. I don't even blame her, not really. And Hardy was mostly just there. I'm not sure he did much of anything besides freak out."

Jonas is shaking his head even before I finished it. "You're too sweet. Bethany knew exactly what she was doing, and you'd be a fool to underestimate her. She's tricky."

I raise an eyebrow at him. "She knew when she shoved me I was going to not only trip and hit my head, but that I've had prior head trauma and would need to go to the hospital?"

"Well," Jonas says, leaning back in his chair. "I guess you have a point. All I'm trying to say is watch out for her. I can promise you this isn't over, not for her. If anything, it's going to make it worse. She's never really gotten in trouble for anything before and now she's suspended. She's pissed."

"Great," I say, rubbing my eyes. When I open them I find Jonas is staring at my exposed arms. I pull the covers up instantly, praying he won't say anything about them.

"Are you in a safe place?"

I half expect the question after speaking to Hardy yesterday. "Yes, I am. Now."

Jonas nods slowly, considering me. I don't know what conclusion he comes to. "Let me know if that changes."
            I nod.

"Oh!" Jonas says, reaching into the backpack he's carrying. He pulls out a well-loved book and hands it to me. "This is my absolute favorite historical romance ever. It's called Flowers in the Wind. You can borrow it but be careful – it's out of print right now."

I stare down at the book in my lap holding back tears. I blink several times before I look over at him "Thank you. I'm excited to start reading it once I'm out of the hospital."

"Are your eyes still a little goofy?"

I blink at him, surprised. "Yea, a little, how'd you know?"

"My mom is a nurse. I know all about concussion and when someone does and does not need to go to the ER. Do you want me to read it to you?"

"Are you sure?"

He nods with a smile. "Yes."

I settle back into my pillow, letting Jonas' soft voice wash over me. I don't think anyone has ever been this nice to me without expecting something back. Maybe things were getting better.

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