(🔪) Combat - DT bros (ft ink)

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Dream somehow found himself in the AU where Nightmare's castle was located. And he was lost in the woods behind the castle, wandering around, clutching onto his bow. He felt like he was being watched, looking behind him every once in a while. He was being watched, by his brother nonetheless, he hid in the shadows blending into them easily. He silently got closer and closer, once he was behind Dream he quickly but carefully wrapped Dream in one of his tentacles, tightening it as soon as he wrapped him completely. Dream yelped, he knew it was Nightmare and didn't dare say anything.

Nightmare's voice was a low growl, filled with anger "How did you find your way here, and why are you here?" Dream felt a knot form in his stomach as he nervously replied, "I don't know how I ended up here, and I didn't come here for any specific reason."

Nightmare threw him against a tree, Dream screamed as he hit the tree, leaving him dazed and disoriented. He tried gaining his bearings as he saw double and everything spun around him. Nightmare grabbed Dream by the scarf pulling him closer.

"Get a hold of yourself" Nightmare growled at Dream. Dream blinked slowly still dazed and confused. Nightmare was getting annoyed and fed up with Dream so he dragged him out of the woods and placed him on the grass "You better have your senses back together Dream. Because I do not have to pity you" he said as his tentacles grew.

Dream, having regained himself, looked around for his bow, he soon realized that he must have dropped it when he was thrown. "Shit my weapon..."

Nightmare, watched with a devious grin as he saw Dream's predicament. He knew that this was the perfect opportunity to strike. He pointed a tentacle menacingly at Dream's face, and in an instant, it sharpened to a deadly point. "Uh oh~ looks like you don't have a weapon, how unfortunate," he taunted, relishing in Dream's vulnerability.

Dream swiftly rose to his feet, his hands instinctively raising in a defensive stance. Nightmare sneered at him, clearly amused. "You think you can take me on in hand-to-hand combat? Oh, dear brother, you're making a grave mistake," he scoffed, his tentacle slithering back to him and coiling up with the rest. "I don't play nice"

Dream stood his ground, his eyes locked on Nightmare's. He was determined to prove his worth, to show Nightmare that he was not to be taken lightly. "Fight me Nightmare," he said, his voice steady and strong. At that, Nightmare let out a deep, throaty laugh and lunged at Dream with lightning speed. Dream was quick to react, blocking the attack with all his might. But Nightmare was too powerful, and soon had Dream on the ground, easily pinning him down.

"I told you, I don't play nice," Nightmare taunted, a wicked grin spreading across his face. With a menacing look in his eyes, he put his hands around Dream's neck, about to choke him out but Dream kicked him off, causing him to fly through the air and land on the grass. (Looney toon ahh kick)

Nightmare growled picking himself up and his tentacles sharpened "IF YOU WANT TO FIGHT, FIGHT BETTER IDIOT" he was pissed dream wasn't using everything he had to fight, only using defense. "Fine!" Dream exclaimed as he charged at Nightmare, punching him in the face. Nightmare hissed fighting back.

Both the brothers fought like this for what seemed like hours, punching and kicking each other, it seemed like both of them weren't going to back down to lose this fight. But Nightmare took the upper hand by grabbing Dream by his tentacles and throwing him, knocking him out.

He stood over Dream grinning as he put a tentacle to his chest. "Goodbye brother"

Before Nightmare could deliver the final blow he heard the unmistakable bubbling of Ink's puddle portal. Ink out from it, with his weapon. "Shit" Nightmare muttered, laying his focus on Ink now "You asshole...coming at such a convenient but also inconvenient time" he scoffed at the paradox.

Ink leaned on his paintbrush "Hey Nightmare! Mind giving back my teammate?" Ink raised an eyebrow.

Nightmare growled at Ink and Ink smirked at him, the positivity making Nightmare angrier. "Oh don't fucking smile at me" his tentacles went at Ink going to strike him but Ink blocked them with his paintbrush.

Ink swung his brush at him, getting multiple colors of paint on him, causing Nightmare to hiss. "You stupid fucking squid..." he quickly wrapped Ink in tentacles but Ink melted his own body into an inky puddle.

Nightmare looked down but didn't see Ink because he was behind him now, fully intact, and he laughed, "You're a bit rusty old man." Nightmare jumped around and punched at Ink but Ink dodged it. "Nice try!" Nightmare was getting annoyed and backed away slightly "Can you take this fight seriously?" Ink laughed "I am taking it seriously!"

Dream suddenly jolted awake and stood up, feeling a rush of energy coursing through his body. Ink looked over and exclaimed, "Oh, you're finally awake!" Dream's face lit up with joy as he replied, "Ink, I need a new weapon."

Without wasting a moment, Ink swiftly used his paintbrush and created a magnificent new bow for Dream. He tossed it over to him, and Dream caught it with both hands with ease.

Nightmare didn't like this new development. Dream having a weapon again meant he could now use his positivity arrows, which were a threat to Nightmare. So, he backed away slightly, trying to assess the situation.

But Dream held his bow confidently, equipping a blue glowing arrow, and drew the bow back. With a deep breath, he aimed the arrow carefully at Nightmare's chest. Then, with a sudden release, he let the arrow fly, landing the shot. Nightmare screeched in pain, his hands trying to pull the arrow out. Even touching the arrow, filled with Dream's magic, caused Nightmare pain, but he fought through the pain and pulled it out. Nightmare being weakened from it transformed into a goopy puddle and teleported away.

Dream won with the help of Ink saving him, but he won.

Words: 1046

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