Jealously - short Errink (🤣☁️)

7 0 0

Error: "D0 Y0U L0V3 TH4T THING M0R3 TH4N M3 INK????"

Ink: "of course not error...."

Error: "Y0U B4R3LY P4Y ATT3NTION T0 M3 4NYM0R3"

Ink: "are you jealous of Broomie?"

Error: "Y34H..."

Ink put down Broomie and hugged Error gently, Error glitches as a result.

Ink: "I love you Error"

Error: "I-I-I L-L0V-L0V3 Y0U T0-T00 IN-INK"

Ink: kissed Error causing him to crash "oh, whoops" he snickered as he held Error.

Words: 78

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