Odd situation - Classicmare(☁?)

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Contains implications of kidnapping

Sans pov:
I somehow got myself in such an odd situation...I was brought to Nightmare lair....and was escorted by three guys, the killer trio...I don't know where I was being escorted to but I knew it was nothing good. I couldn't use my magic either because my hands were tied behind my back.
None of the three talked to me or even to each other...just silence as we walked the long halls. Soon we reached an opening and in the middle was Nightmare...King of negativity...sitting on a throne.
The Killer trio led me in front of him and forced me on my knees.

Nightmare: "Good job boys, you may leave now"

The trio left

Sans: "What do you want with me?!"

Nightmare: "I want to propose to you~"

Sans: "W-what...W-what proposal?"

Nightmare: "You stay here and be a loyal subject following all my rules, or....you can be thrown into the chambers never to be seen again...~"

Sans: "I'll be a loyal subject..."

Nightmare: "Good choice" wrapped tentacles around Sans and dragged him closer, placing him in his lap "Your powers are turned off here so there's no escape" unwrapped the tentacles and untied the rope on Sans' wrists

Sans:...."  what all do I have to do as your loyal subject?"

Nightmare: "As I stated before, just follow my rules"

Sans: "And what are those rules?"

Nightmare: "1 don't destroy anything in the mansion. 2 don't leave without my permission and you must tell me where and why you're going. 3 clean after yourself. 4 you must do what I say"

Sans: "Simple rules I suppose.."

Nightmare: "And if you break those rules you'll be punished harshly"

Sans: "What is the punishment?"

Nightmare: "Whatever I think is the most embarrassing~"

Sans: "Oh."

Nightmare: kissed Sanses forehead "Dear...I want you to be my special loyal subject...you'll get special things~"

Sans: "Like?"

Nightmare: "Kisses, hugs...and..more from me~ and my boys will respect you and they'll have to listen to you"

Sans: "Sounds tempting"

Nightmare: "So do you want to be my special loyal subject?"

Sans: "Yes..."

Nightmare: "Fantastic! Love you sansy~" summoned a black bracelet and put it on Sanses wrist

Sans: blushes "o...oh...uh..."

Nightmare: kisses Sans' neck "You may take your time to say you love me too my dear"
Sans: "A...alright"


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