Little spy?~ - Insomnia (🍏)

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Error pov:

I was watching all the sanses to see what they were up to. The next sans i decided to watch was Dream. So i switched my glitched portal to dream, he was on his bed.....naked but no ectobody

Just from the sight i almost yelped but i covered my mouth.

Like if dream could sense me he looked at me and blushed.

I uncovered my mouth to explain myself

Error: "im so so sorry! Its not what it looks like!! I was only checking on could i of known you were naked"

Dream: "its fine error.....come in!"

Error: "wait.....really?"

Dream: "yeah!"

Error: "ok...." he stepped into the portal and closed it behind him

Dream sat up and patted a spot beside him on the bed, smiling

Error: "uh....heh..." he went to the bed and sat on the bed next to dream

Dream: got behind error and kissed his neck "you're cute!..."

Error: "...thanks.."

Dream: he wrapped his arms around errors waist "hehe!"

Error relaxed and nuzzles against dream

Dream: "aww...." kisses error

Error kissed back and placed his hands on dreams thighs

Dream: "mhh~"

Error pulled away and turned to face dream and pins him down. Then kissed dreams ribs

Dream: "mhhhh~"

Error moved down to dreams spine and kissed it

Dream: "a-ahh~"

Error then bites dreams spine and left a mark

Error: "mine now..."

Dream: "mhm~"

~motivation dies cutely~

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