Food - Bloodycrops (☁)

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3rd person pov:

Farm was outside barbecuing and was humming. A rustle could be heard in the bushes of the nearby woods.

Farm: "is that one of my lil critters I hear?"

Whoever or whatever it was didn't respond or move

Farm: "lil critter?"

Farm lowered the temperature on the electric grill to it lowest setting then went over to the bushes and looked through them. Thats when he finally saw Horror.

Horror backed away and growls.

Farm: "oh howdy pal! No need ta fear me partner...are you here cuz ya smelled the food?"

Horror: " really hungry..."

Farm: "well youre welcome to come eat with me buddy!"

Horror: "really?"

Farm: "yep! I got enough!"

Farm went back over to the grill and turned it back up and turned the hotdogs. Horror slowly came out of the bushes and went to a chair on the patio and sat down.

Once Farm finished grilling he brought over a plate full of hotdogs. He then placed it on the table.

Farm: "you can make your hotdogs however you wish buddy!"

Farm grabbed himself a plate a a hotdog bun and put a hotdog in the bun then put dressings on it he liked.

Horror did the same but fixed himself two then sat down and ate. Farm sat and ate with him and smiled.

Farm: "like it?"

Horror: "mhm!!"

Farm: "good bud"

After they ate all they could handle

Farm: "well it was amazing to have your company buddy"

Horror: "t...thank you for feeding me....I'll be going home"

Farm: "you're welcome to come over anytime pal. If ya need food I'll feed ya"

Horror: "t...thanks" he stood up and went into the woods, disappearing in the dark

Farm: "heh....see ya soon buddy"

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