it a deal? - Billmare(🍋)

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Two gays with kinks idfc what yall think their into that freaky shit 💀
Contains: bondage

Bill kept annoying the shit out of Nightmare wanting something and finally Nightmare broke and let him speak

Nightmare: "what do you want Bill?!"

Bill: "i have a deal you can't pass on~"

Nightmare: "oh really? Tell me..."

Bill: "I'll help you in your quest of becoming more powerful and making everyone who looks at you runs in terror..." extends his left hand towards Nightmare and a blue flame came from his hand

Nightmare: "and whats the twist?"

Bill: "the twist is if you ever become your true form you'll become my little personal 'pet'~ if you know what i mean" grins

Nightmare: "ha! That will never happen! Im stuck like this! Deal." shakes bills hand

Bill: "gooood....also~ as far as you know your stuck like that....but in one special timeline you do turn back....i wont tell how or if your in that timeline, its more fun to keep you wondering! Toodles~" disappeared in a cloud of blue smoke

Nightmare: "you asshole...." walked home

~~a long timeskip later~~

Nightmare: "dream wait! Dont do it" runs to him

Dream: bites and eats the black apple and fell to his knees painfully screaming as he transformed into shattered

Nightmare: "NO! DREAM!" fell to his knees and curled up as the goop on him slowly disappeared as he changed into Passive

~one painful transformation later~

Shattered: stood up "you now know how i felt when i watched you! Huh brother?!?" laughs and fastly wrapped Nightmare with his tentacles and lifted him off the ground

Passive: "" was too weak to fight back so he looked down

Shattered: "awhhh~~ poor little baby cant defend for himself no more~~" a tentacles goes under nights chin and lifts his head up "pathetic...."

Passive: squirms a bit

Shattered: "don't squirm nighty im not going to hurt you~" pulled him a bit closer

Bill: appeared in a blink of an eye and slashed Shattereds tentacles just as fast

Shattered: screeched and teleported away

Passive: fell onto the ground on his knees "ow..."

Bill: "you alright Nightmare?~"

Passive: " ok" looks up at him

Bill: got in front of him "welp...looks like your Passive now...did you happen to forget our deal?"

Passive: "of course not....i know what my fate is now..."


Bill: unzips his pants and pulled out his ectodick "you know what to"

Passive: "yes master.." laid on his back and took off his pants and summoned his female ectobody

Bill: "good boy~~~ hehe..." took off his pants completely and got on him, slowly inserting his dick into Passives entrance

Passive: "a-ahh~ b-bill~"

Bill: "hehe..." thrusts into him roughly

Passive: "ahhhg!~ hnnn!~"

Bill: suddenly summoned a yellow glowing string "hehe~~"

Passive: "o-ooo~" puts hand over his head

Bill: ties Passives wrists together "there~"

Passive: "hehe~~"

Bill: "love you~" held the rope and thrusted into him roughly

Passive: moaned loudly "love you too!~ hnnn!~"

Bill: thrusts faster and bites Passives neck

Passive: yelps "e-easy.."

Bill: stopped biting and he left a mark "now your mine..." thrusts one last time actually he cummed and pulled out "hehe..did you enjoy it?~"

Passive: "mhm"

Bill: stood up putting his pants back on and summoned more yellow rope and tied Passives legs together "there we go~"

Passive: "heh..."

Bill: "no escape now" picks up Passive bridal style and opened a portal going through it

motivation ends here lol

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