Love - Tarstrings (☁️🔪)

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A ship my buddy and I love so much 🥰🥰 we came up with the ship name LMAO


3rd POV:

Error and Killer were fighting in the woods near the castle. So far it looked like Error was winning the fight. Killer was beaten up pretty bad but he refused to give up now.

Error: "JUST F0LD 4LR34DY KILL3R! S0 I C4N G0 D0 SMT 3LS3!"


Killer jumped at Error, but before he could get to him he was thrown by Errors strings. Killer did a safety roll upon impact and got onto his feet easily.


Error: "G0TT4 B3 F4ST3R~" he was teasing Killer at this point.

Killer: "fuck you."

Error: "G0 0N 4ND TRY, Y0U C4NT 3V3N T0UCH M3" he winked

Killer: blushed and blinked slowly. "wha.."

Error: bursted out in a fit of laughter. "Y0U SH0ULD S33 Y0UR F4C3 RIGHT N0W!! I KN3W TH4T W0ULD G3T Y0U FLUST3R3D"

Killer: quickly teleported behind him while he talked. "Yeah but you left me an opportunity."

Before Error could say anything Killer touched him suddenly, causing him to crash immediately. Killer picked him up and walked towards the castle.

Killer: "I win." he smirked slyly


At the castle:

Killer walked inside having a crashed Error across his shoulder. He walked upstairs with him where he was stopped by Nightmare.

Nightmare: in ASL "what did you do now killer.." (it was one of them quiet days for Nighty)

Killer: "he started it! it's not my fault he crashed! Plus he challenged me to get him."

Nightmare: "....." he nodded and just pointed to the guest room.

Killer: "I was going to put him in there don't worry Nighty!"

Nightmare growled at him

Killer: "sorry, sorry!"

Killer walked past Nightmare and went into the guest room, shutting the door behind him. He placed Error on the bed and he sat on the edge of it waiting for him to wake up.

~~~ some hours later ~~~

Error: shot awake looking around. "WH3R3 TH3 FUCK.."

Killer: "calm doooown~ your in Nightmares castle! I didn't wanna leave ya in the woods all vulnerable!"

Error: he kinda blushed "TH4NK Y0U....I GU3SS.."

Killer: "are you blushing?!"

Error: "N-N0-" He blushed even more.

Killer: "you are!! Do you think I'm cute?~~" he got close to Errors face and winked at him "I'll allow you to kiss me~

Error: "ST0P..."

Killer: "cmon~ I know you want to~"


Killer: "maybe~"

Error grabbed Killers face and kissed him, Killer kissed back closing his eyes. They kissed for awhile till Error pulled away.

Error: "TH3R3, H4PPY?" He was a blushing mess

Killer: "yep~ cutie pie~"

Error: "SHUT UP..."

Killer: "alright~~ only if you kiss me again~"

Error: "N0."

Killer: "aw man~ your such a tease Error~"


Killer was quietly and just snuggled close to Error.

Error: "G00D B0Y" he kissed Killers forehead, Killer blushing as a result. "I L0V3 Y0U..."

Killer: "aww..I love you too Error~"

Words: 516

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