Ectobodies - Freshblood (☁)

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Notes 4 yall to understand:
Horror and fresh have been best friends for 5 yrs so fresh knows where he hangs out at(aka the bad guy lair, he wont snitch though so nm is chill with him)

Over text:

Horror: hey fresh.....i want to ask you something
Fresh: what is it my broski!
Horror: can you come over for a sleepover at the bad guy lair?
Fresh: sleepover broski? For sure broski!!!
Horror: come around 9am then
Fresh: I'll be there

3rd pov:

Fresh had got into pajamas around 8:58...

Then at 9am fresh just fresh poofed himself in Horrors room......but Horror wasn't expecting fresh to do that so he wasn't in attire...

Horror was in his boxers with his ectobody summoned....


Fresh: " assume you know id be here at 9....also its ok broski! Idm it! except for...this" poked horrors ectostomach

Horror: ".....heh....its called a ectobody you know what a ectobody even is?"

Fresh: "well......ik what it looks like now but idk its purpose man...."

~one explication later that was semi censored by fresh lol~ (i didn't wanna type it anywho)

Horror: "thats the ectobodies should have one as well fresh."

Fresh: "oh really?"

Horror: "mhm...cmere" pats a spot on the bed beside him "sit...ill try to help...but take your shirt off first..."

Fresh: "im trusting you Horror...." he took off his shirt and walked to Horror and sat by him

Horror: scooted himself behind fresh and putting his hands over where freshs stomach would be "dont worry fresh..."

Fresh: stayed perfectly still "ok..."

Horror: used his magic to help summon freshs ectobody "there we go...." wrapped his arms around freshs hips and pulled him closer "heh"

Fresh: ""

Horror: just hugs fresh and kisses his cheek "im not gonna hurt you fresh..."

Fresh: " better not...."

Horror: "except if you count bitting!" grabbed one of freshs hand and nibbles on it gently

Fresh: laughs "Horror stop!"

Horror: "you know im only kidding..." kisses freshs hand and smiled

Fresh: smiled back and kisses Horrors cheek "Love ya broski, no homo"

Horror: "love you homo...." kisses him

Fresh: kissed back

Bull shit thats full homo xD

ending here bc that be funny.

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