Stargazing - Altermare (☁️)

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I enjoy the concept of this rare pair I kinda made LMAO is like father vibes x mother vibes BEST COMBO CHANGE MY MIND 😠 /silly
Context: Nightmare and Alter have been planning a stargazing date for a while

Also completely different writing style!

Nightmare opened a portal into Altertale. Nightmare walked out of the portal; now in the middle of the ruins, it was dead silent. He was here for a certain reason, and it was for Alter Sans.

Nightmare walked around the quiet ruins, the only sounds that could be heard were his footsteps and the dripping of his tentacles. He soon arrived at Alter's home, also known as 'Sans's home' by others from the AU. Approaching the door, he knocked.

As Alter perked at the sound, a smile spread across his face. He had been eagerly anticipating Nightmare's visit, and the realization filled him with joy. With a skip in his step, he made his way to the door and swung it open, his grin stretching from 'ear to ear'. "Nightmare! You're finally here!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with warmth and excitement. "Come in, hun! I've been waiting for you."

Nightmare smiled back, silently nodding as he walked in and went to the living room, with Alter following closely behind. Before Nightmare could sit down, Alter teased him by saying, "Don't be getting your goop on my good couch, mister." Nightmare scoffed, then laughed as he magically made a towel appear, placing it on the couch before sitting down.

Alter sat beside Nightmare and leaned on him, "So are we going to eat first before going out to Outertale?" Nightmare was quiet for a bit before speaking quietly, "That would be have your specialty pie before we went stargazing."

Alter smiled and stood up. "I'll go warm it up, I already fixed a pie yesterday so it was ready just in case!" He walked into the kitchen, taking the homemade pie out of the Fridge and into the oven, turning up the heat. After finishing, he set a timer returned to the couch, and held Nightmare's hand. "It might take a while but it's worth it right Nighty?" Nightmare looked down at Alter and, with a gentle nuzzle, leaned against them. As they waited in each other's embrace.

An hour later

BEEP BEEP BEEP, the timer was going off now, Nightmare got a bit spooked but Alter let go of Nightmare's hand and went to the kitchen. Once there he took out the pie, the smell of butterscotch filled the room almost immediately. He cut two slices, placing them on plates, he put the rest of the pie in a container and then into the freezer. He grabbed forks and brought them and the plates into the living room, giving a plate and a fork to Nightmare.

"Here you go sweetheart, eat up!" He sat beside Nightmare as they both began eating, Nightmare softly purred enjoying the warm pie.

After eating Nightmare took the dishes to the kitchen for Alter. Nightmare walked back into the living room, seeing Alter had changed from his usual dress to something more comfortable, something that looked like Classic Sans would wear. Nightmare smiled and hugged him gently, "You ready to go to Outertale?" Nightmare kissed Alter's cheek leaving a gooey kiss mark on him.

"Yep, it's why I changed hun" he giggled as he kissed Nightmare on the cheek as well. Nightmare pulled away and summoned a portal to Outertale, and they walked through and into the AUs Echo flower field. They sat there by the water and cuddled close together and held hands listening to the whispers and water.

"This was such a good idea Nightmare" Alter slightly laid in Nightmare's lap, happy and looking at the stars, Nightmare looked up at the stars with him and smiled as well as they watched a meteor fly by. The date was perfect, they talked for hours, kissing and cuddling each other, just loving one another.

After hours of being there, they decided to go back to Altertale, where they went to the bedroom and slept together.

Words: 690

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