Parasite - Scifresh (☁)

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Fresh pov:

I was sitting on the patient exam bed in scis exam room. He was taking a full body exam so i was completely bare bones. He checked everywhere of my body, he soon noticed my soul wasn't there when he looked into my ribcage.

Soon he had me take my glasses off. He then noticed that my soul was in my eye socket. Sci quickly wrote it down when he saw it, but besides that there was no extreme reaction.

Sci: "this is unique....your soul is located in your eye there anything else unique about you?"

Fresh: "well....i suppose i have to be truthful to a doctor like yo self do have a lil parasite...I'll show ya"

I placed my hand near my eye socket and made 'pst pst pst' sound and my parasite came out

Fresh: "this is my parasite i like to call it Pari"

Sci: "woah.......awesome...." sci jotted it down "may i hold....Peri?"

Fresh: "it might try to get in yo skull so na broski....dont wanna risk that happening."

Sci: "do you keep calling Peri a it because it has no biological gender or you cant tell what gender it is?"

Fresh: "it has no biological gender. Plus if i call it anything different they get mad"

Peri slowly reentered freshs socket and hid in the darkness of freshs skull

Fresh: "that was enough social interaction for it" laughs

Sci laughed as well

Sci: "relatable honestly....well your exam is done....besides the soul and parasite you're completely healthy.."

Fresh: "alright doc"

I stood up and got dressed and fresh poofed away

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