Mistletoe - Dusteddreams (Short ☁️)

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3rd POV:
It was Christmas time, in the Nightmares castle. Nightmare invited people he trusted to the party, this included dream since he was his brother, though his guys didn't know that. (I like the theory of keeping it a secret lmao)

Murder was quietly reading something under the mistletoe, he didn't even know he was under it. Dream soon approached.

Dream: "du-Murder! Your under the mistletoe! You know what that means!~" he laughed, messing with him, he didn't actually intend on kissing him.

Murder: "no I'm no--..." he looked up while saying this stopping mid sentence, when he realized that he was in fact under the mistletoe. "-oh shit you're right..."

Murder looked back at Dream and he put down his book, then he grabbed the sides of dreams face.

Dream: blushed in result "I was just messing! I didn't wanna actually ki-"

He was stopped by Murder kissing him rather passionately. The other guys around cheered and laughed, taking pictures of them. Dream was embarrassed but he kissed back. Murder pulled away from the kiss

Murder: "sorry." He let him go, picking up his book and continuing reading it, walking away silently while holding dreams hand.

Dream was too flustered too even process nor respond so he kinda let Murder hold his hand.

Murder didn't take him anywhere special, just away from the others, so they could be alone. The sounds where bothering Murder anyways.

Writers note: yeah nothing else happened after this
Words: 248

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