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Note: I don't own Harry Potter or Twilight. The characters wont act the same as in the movies and in the end of the day this is just a Fan-Fiction and it's written just for fun. 

Barty's POV:

Panic is the only thing that I and everyone else can do with what is going on. It's been a few days since dad told us that someone from Britain is coming to get Harry. With the little time that we have to keep all of us safe we were able to get the Aurors made aware of the situation. Robin Wolf aka Red told Sirius that he will have his team strengthen the wards around Forks. We also gave them what little knowledge that we have of them. Harry may have known her for four years but that doesn't mean that they aren't hiding secrets from you. Red also told the cops to stay on the look out for a very dangerous individual going so far as to say they may come up to them asking if they know where they can find a 'Harry Potter'. I don't think that Harry has ever been more glad that his actual name is Hadrian James Black Potter Riddle until this moment. Plus everyone around here even the cops know that Harry's name as Hadrian and only his friends and family can call him Harry. However when the cops asked why that person would be asking for my brother Red told them that the individual wishes to cause bodily harm to him. The cops made sure that Sirius was going to be at the front of the protection teams so that way he can be sure they catch the right person. Red eventually told the other cops of what the individual looks like telling the cops that the person is a teenager though they may look a little bit older, the person is female, she is very clever and extremely smart but no matter what she can not be trusted. He didn't lie but he also knows that he can't really tell them that she is a witch and what she actually plans to do with Harry if she ever got a hold of him. Since not only would that be a breach of a a law stating that no wizard can ever tell a muggle about magic but the muggles wouldn't believe us anyway. The cops came to the conclusion that she may not be that right in the head when the rumors started to pour in curtsy of Drew Sutton one of the many Aurors on Reds team. Since we can't tell them about magic we can still make up little white lies so the muggles think that she is crazy. I still think that we aren't really lying about her being crazy though. We managed to get back into contact with the Volturi and Aro told us that they have split into smaller groups to keep watch for her so she has less of an option to get in without them seeing and stopping her. The groups will be stationed around the outside of Forks just before you enter it. Harry sent them a communication mirror via Hedwig that Fred and George had been working on before they headed off to school. Fred had told Harry that it had been a failed experiment but it would still work how it was intended. They had wanted it to be somewhat like the Smartphones that we all have. It was an earlier idea for the phones were actually made. Aro and the other groups took a few hours to figure out how to get them to work and after that they were able to get into contact with us so we can stay updated. 

Fred had actually reminded us about our rings and we haven't taken them off since but I don't think that Harry has ever took his off unless it was to show others that we trust what he actually looks like. Dad even makes sure everyone is wearing their rings before they leave the house now. Though Harry hasn't left the house since the big reveal but is still checked if he is wearing his ring or not. We all are worried about when she will arrive and I've seen a bunch of creatures surrounding our house just outside of the wards. None of them have tried to get through but it's like they know what is going on and want to help. Jacob has a few of the younger wolves camping out around our house while Edward, Emmett, and Jasper have been switching off to be near the house so they can be of help if needed. I'm still convinced that Edward doesn't leave even when they switch off but I have no proof and I'd really rather not fight with an angry vampire protecting his mate. Jacob said that all of the younger wolves are going to be switching off just how the three vampires are doing but he is going to have some of the older wolves to take their place. If I remember correctly Sam and Paul was going to be one of the heads for each group so they can keep order even when Jacob isn't going to be there.  

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