The Truth Comes Out.

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Note: I don't own Harry Potter or Twilight. The characters wont act the same as in the movies and in the end of the day this is just a Fan-Fiction and it's written just for fun. 

Jacob's POV:

As we get closer to my Little cousin's house I start to feel the uneasy feeling that their wards around their property normally gives off. I easily get through that ward and it still throws me off seeing how their home goes from a small foreboding shack that could fall over if a small breeze blows through then it goes to a regular home that one would find out in a normal neighborhood. As soon as I get through the first ward the second one sets in making me want to leave and to never come back but I know from what Tom told me it's to make sure that no other creature out their can stay on the land and so they wouldn't be able to get through the last ward since they weren't allowed to. Since they gave me the go ahead to being on their lands then all I have to do is keep going and push through to get to the last wards. With the last ward passed I see the house in its actual glory and the rest of its amazingly big yard. The yard is big enough for the whole pack to run around in and still not have to worry about running into the house or garden. Once I had my senses come back to me I realized the Cullen's either just arrived or they just left but I can smell their scent around here. I see them filtering out of the house and it dawns on me that they might of come to see my little cousin and I don't want them anywhere near him. So I leave him on my back even though he is trying to get me to let him down. I don't trust them anywhere near him even if Harry does trust them. They don't give off the good trusting kinda vibe but I guess I'll have to tolerate them close to him if I want to be able to keep coming over here. I notice his dad and brother coming over to us and I see Sirius and Remus trailing them. When I see one of the Cullen's coming towards me and Harry I growl at them letting them know that I don't want them anywhere near us. I see them stop and step back a little but at that moment Harry is lifted up off of my back and I couldn't tell who did it. I turn around really fast to see it was his brother that lifted him up and his father was staring at me like I was doing something wrong. I was looking around trying to figure out what I had done to get that look from him when a giant black dog appears in my vision.

'Jacob, we were trying to get you attention to tell you that we were going to get Harry off of your back but you weren't replying.' When I heard Sirius's voice I realized the black dog was him in his Grim form and I felt a little embarrassed to not have realized that sooner. Then I hear what he was saying and that made me think I hadn't heard anything not until he came up to me in his Grim form. 'What are you talking about I haven't heard anything at the very least until you came up to me that is.' He had to think about that and then he turned to Edward to I assume 'talk' to him just differently than we are since I didn't hear anything it just looked like they are admiring each others eyes. I looked over to Edward when I saw his mouth move but no sound came out and it was really weird to see but I can't figure out how I can't hear him when I could hear just fine not even a few minutes ago. Sirius turned to look at me with so much hope in his eyes that it almost hurt to tell him that I couldn't hear Edward. 'Well my greatest cousin of mine could you hear what the mean very old vampire said to you?' I couldn't even look him in the eyes I didn't want to see the hope leave his eyes but I knew that I had to look at him while speaking. 'I could tell that he was speaking but there wasn't any sound that come out. So no I couldn't hear him.' I see the hopeful look go away but then it comes back with vengeance. I see him go over to Harry and he then transforms back to his human form. I can see them talking and I know for a fact that they are talking about me but I have no clue as to what they are saying. Remus came over to me followed closely by Sirius and they try to talk to me and realization comes onto Remus's face. He looks over to Harry and his dad and makes a waving motion to indicate he wants them to come over. When Harry got over here I heard two separate hissing noises. One was quieter and obviously younger while the other one was older and loud and they were coming from Harry and his dad. >Jacob can you hear us now?< That was the quieter of the two and I followed the sound to Harry and I realized I could hear him. I nodded my head not knowing if they would be able to hear or even understand me. >Jacob, we would like for you to say something back to see if we can understand you or if you can only hear Sirius in his Grim.< I took a few seconds to say something and to prepare myself that they wont be able to hear me and we will only be able to talk when I'm human but that would also be just fine since I'm normally in my human form than this form. 'Yes I can hear you guys just fine I do hear the hissing sound first before hearing the words that you all are saying.' 

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