Here We Go Again?

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Note: I don't own Harry Potter or Twilight. The characters wont act the same as in the movies and in the end of the day this is just a Fan-Fiction and it's written just for fun. 

Tom's POV:

As I had predicted it didn't take to long for the Aurors to come out and to get statements from my family as well as the Cullen's all under the truth serum. With all of our stories showing the truth in what happened especially for the Cullen's. They were able to erase the memories of the few cops that had found out the truth then plant new memories for all of the cops. The memories that were implanted was that a bear had attacked the two girls. The bites had come from a few snakes and the venom wasn't a fast acting type so while Angela was running away from Bella the venom started to work through out their bodies. They figured the muggle cops would come up with why the girls had gotten bit by snakes and how they did as well. Angela had run that far into the woods trying to not only run away from Bella but also a bear that she had noticed was chasing them. They also put into their heads that Bella was trying to kill Angela since she was one of the first people from their class that to tried to help Harry. When the Aurors had checked their bags they found a kill list in Bella's bag and it just so happened that Angela was the first one to appear on the list then it was a boy names Mike then they saw Eric's name under Mike's name. The Aurors had Sirius working with them on the case and even promoted him to be a secret Auror in the muggle police force. So if anything like this happens again he has the authority to do something about it and then report back to them about it. When the Aurors left they made sure that no more of these attacks could happen and put a ward around both towns.

After all of this happened we were able to relax and to just be our self's without having anything stop us. We all were finally able to get to know each other better and Harry even helped Jasper with his issue. He couldn't ever have the spell that Harry put on him on the first day removed. Harry had been lessening the spells potency over that last few weeks so he could adjust without having the spell on him. Now Jasper can be in the same room with us with out worrying that he might attack us trying to drink us dry. We don't take the spell off of any of them unless that ask us to do which they haven't Jasper had asked for the spell to be put back on him. Jasper loves that he doesn't have to worry about not having the spell active but he is reassured when he has the spell active on him.  Harry also got Jasper able to handle the smell of blood it wasn't intentional since Harry had gotten a small cut when they were over and he was bleeding not to bad. While he was bleeding Jasper was fighting of all of his urges to devour him but from what he told us he just kept telling himself that Harry is his little brother and he would never hurt him. Somehow that worked and he got it into his head that humans blood would taste like Harry's. It make him feel like he would be drinking from his little brother and it made him feel disgusted that he ever thought about drinking it. While Harry had been working with him we were talking with the rest of the Cullen's but I know that the others were constantly going to see Harry trying to get all of his attention. All of them wanted his attention even if they had to steal him away from their other family members. I saw Edward literately running away from his other sibling carrying Harry. I remember sitting on the couch for a few minutes then taking off towards where Edward and the rest had run off to. Thinking about it now it was pretty funny but at the time I was mad at them. I had to get Harry away from Edward even if they are soulmates Harry is still to young to go off with him. Plus Edward hasn't realize that they are meant to be soulmates so I wont have to kill him just yet.

It's been a nice and quite couple of weeks but Carlisle came over to see if Harry could go with him and his family for the Baseball outing that they use to do. He told us that they haven't had time to go since we had arrived but they would love for us or just Harry to come. As it is I would love nothing more than to go but I still have a job with teaching and grading papers for these high school brats. Plus the others still do work so Harry was able to go on his own. It's not like he can't handle himself and the others will be there for him. 'I'm not worried your worried' that's all I could hear Sirius and Remus say to me every time I brought it up. I have every right to worry when my child is Harry a person who can find danger in places that aren't even dangerous.

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