First Day of a New School?

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Note: I don't own Harry Potter or Twilight. The characters wont act the same as in the movies and in the end of the day this is just a Fan-Fiction and it's written just for fun. 

Tom's POV:

The past week was a rush to get Harry and the rest of the children ready for both of their schools. Luna, Neville, Fred, and George had left for their school a day ago we had seen them off. Since they had to get to to the train station the tickets that they have tells them what the platform is with it being a secret. But we were able to make it there and get them a nice compartment before the train started to fill up. I hate to admit it but I'm going to miss them while they are off having fun at school though I know that they would be home for holidays and breaks. Those kids have some how wormed their way into my heart much like Harry has they are every much my children like Barty and Harry are even not by blood or adoption. They told us that they would send a letter in a day or two to let us know how school is going and if they made it there safe. Them making it there safe is just a step up from Hogwarts. But it's another day until Harry starts Forks high school that he won't be staying at and he'll be home every day. Which will be something new but if he wasn't going to be coming back home after school each day I would defiantly go insane again with all of the other people at home.

But finding all of job was hard but somehow Sirius and Remus found one quicker than me and Barty. Sirius starts as a cop today he also wheres a special amulet that Harry all but demanded for all of us to wear. But its a stronger shield than the shield spell it has both the spell and a bunch of shield runes on it. It activates when something life threatening comes near us and stops us from being hit. This includes bullets and creatures but it obviously can stop a killing curse. Remus is a Pre-school teacher and Librarian he said that he loved teaching kids but didn't want to worry about all the teenage stuff he had to at Hogwarts. Barty then was the next one to find a job it just happened to be the same book store that we had went to on the first day we arrived here. Harry helped him with getting the job but Barty said that he found some magical books that had ended up in the store like spell and potion books. I finally found one today when I was looking through the newspaper it was a math teacher for the school that Harry is going to. I called the number as soon as I saw it they told me to come in later today with my resume and for the interview. I'll have to ask Harry to show me how to make my resume just like he had for everyone else. As I just put my phone down Harry was walking into the dining room still a little tired. "Son I require you to help me with my resume as well. I found a job but I need the resume for the job interview for later today. If you don't mind helping me as well." I had made sure that he was sitting down before I started talking. 'Sure thing Dad' and a smile was all I got as a reply him before he went back to his meal. Barty came into the room with Sirius and Remus following dressed for the day. Sirius said that he was called in early them saying that the needed the man power so he ate something quick them he left on a motorbike that he had bought. Remus stayed for a little bit longer then he had to leave as well but he made sure to hug Harry before he left. When Harry was done eating he got us saying that he was leaving to start on the resume and that I should go and get ready. I headed up to my room hearing Barty saying that he was going to be in his art studio that the elves so kindly set up for him yesterday after he spilled paint all over his bed. When I got in my room I went straight for my closet to get out my nicest suit and laid it on my bed then I hopped into the shower. After my shower I walked out to get dressed and saw an envelope with a small note that reads: 'Here you go dad, I finished it and printed it out have a good interview hope you get the job' I smiled then stared to get dressed then I left for the interview.

Harry's POV: 

Today's my first day and I'm nervous not only will I'll be the new student there but my dad will be teaching there as well. But at least I'll always have a ride to school and wont have to walk that would be a pain to have to walk threw the woods everyday. At that point I would much prefer to either have Jacob give me a ride or Apparate there. While I was doing my last check on my bag for school I saw that I almost forgot the Blood Pops that Luna gave to me. Figure that I may need them at some point if not today could always need them for another day. Plus they have a Stasis Charm on it so it's not going to go bad for a long while. As I was putting it in the food compartment of my bag I hear Dad calling up the stairs for me to hurry up. He also said that I needed to get breakfast so that I keep up with how far I've come with my health no need for me to let nerves to ruin the progress. I may have gotten to a healthy weight with all of the potions and food that I've taken or eaten but I don't want to go back to how I was before they started to help me. Plus I've gained some muscles as well as grown a few inches with everything that we have been able to do. I grabbed my bag and headed down to eat when I got there I noticed that I had mail. I grabbed it and sat down at the table while handing the mail to Barty to check for any harmful spells on the off chance something could get through. Dumbles seems to be able to get something threw the wards and escape the watchful eyes my elves have over the mail. After the first piece that he managed to get passed the wards and Barty the elves have been keeping an extra eye on my mail. That piece of mail made me start scratching and I didn't stop until Nev stunned me with the twins running to go and get Tom and Barty to help me. He has still managed to get thirty pieces of mail threw this one makes thirty one pieces now, but we have been sending copies of the letters to the DMLE about it as well as sending the original letters off to our lawyer. When Barty got done checking he handed the rest to me saying that two were covered in Love potion one was form Ginny while the other was Keyed to Ginerva Weasley but Molly Weasley sent it to me but that they would be sent to our lawyer and DMLE. I saw that I just had two letters one was from Gringotts while the other was from Luna and the others. I decided to open up Luna's first and like normal read it allowed so that way we all new what was being said. 

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