After The Verdict.

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Note: I don't own Harry Potter or Twilight. The characters wont act the same as in the movies and in the end of the day this is just a Fan-Fiction and it's written just for fun. *I was going to post this yesterday but it was my Birthday so I figured that I would just post it today.*

Harry's POV:

After Victoria and James's Trial it was obvious that the reporters that was there were going to put that the killers for the two girls had been caught in the 'newspaper' for both muggle and wizards. Later that week the Trial was on the front page and only their pictures were shown. One that showed how psychotic that they actually are in the muggle paper but in the wizard paper they got another one that showed they are vampires. Unlike the Daily Prophet the Peninsula Daily News and The Quibbler respects minors privacy or as much as they can when it comes to things like this. When I got a magazine from the Quibbler I had to call and talk to Luna about it thinking that Britain had been opened up and word got to them. I found out her father had been planing to come to other country's and make another place there to widen the business for them. Luna said that her father hasn't been able to get his dream done since the lock down happened and with what was happening at Hogwarts when I she was going there. Both the newspaper and Magazine didn't shown a picture when they mentioned anything that had to do with me and they made sure it was alright with dad before they wrote anything about me. So far with everything that I have seen with how the Trials were handled things are done differently over here then over in Britain. None of the reporters have tried to find where I live or try and harass me and my family though they have gotten in touch with dad to get an interview set up. The reporters first made sure that dad was fine with the interview and assured him that he will be present during the interview unlike how any of the reporters that came after me in Britain. The reporters for the Quibbler told him that I could even bring a friend or another family member if I need them as well seeing how I almost anxiety attack during the Trials several times. Though with how I feel about the Daily Prophet I don't know if I should put all of the blame on them or put it all on Dumbledore for enabling and not stopping anything that they did to not only me.

On another note Peninsula Daily News and The Quibbler had written a page of information about the second Trial between me and Chelsea and what her verdict turned out to be. When I was reading the Peninsula Daily News I found that they ended up having more information about crimes that have happened over the centers that her 'family' have done. The muggles didn't know that they were talking about the same person when they put their findings in the newspaper. Apparently she has made appearances before in Forks but it has been around the time that dad was a first year in Hogwarts. That was 57 years ago that she was last seen so it did make since that they would think it would be a family member instead of her. Chelsea back then apparently killed almost half the town and that was what the muggles thought her relative had done. The muggle paper went on to talked about another time she had been seen though she didn't do a crime per-say but it was 96 years ago. They thought that it could be an older generation in her family but they had been tried for being a witch. She had gotten away but with how she wasn't ageing it made people wonder what she was. Though when the Quibbler had gotten wind of this they put even more information into what the muggles had given and it was even more accurate to the what happened and who it really was. Chelsea did kill off half the town in 1938's but she drained those people of their blood and it had taken her two to three day for her to do. She had kept the blood in containers so it would be easier for her to transport for later consumption. It seemed like she had done it before which she might have. The Quibbler continued to say that she almost got out of Forks before wizards were able to arrest her. She had told the Aurors that she needed the blood for her clan to keep them alive and since this was her first crime and they were all muggles that she had killed off she was let off with a warning. That wasn't the only time that she had done that but she never came back to Forks to do it again. When she attacked again it was a few years later but she didn't go back to Forks to do it. She however went to a state over but this time she killed someone in a wizards family that had been there to arrested her that day. After that she had a warrant out for her arrest and some of the other states wanted her to be killed since the person that she killed was a child. She has killed so many people but she never killed a child until that night. There wasn't a way for the people of that time to find out why she killed the child. Until now she told the Aurors that she wanted to keep the child but they kept on screaming for their parents so she just killed them instead.

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