Damage Control.

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Note: I don't own Harry Potter or Twilight. The characters wont act the same as in the movies and in the end of the day this is just a Fan-Fiction and it's written just for fun.

Jacob's POV:

I walked into the room after Tom left with the warning that wasn't necessary since I didn't and don't ever plan on hurting my little cousin. When I walked into the room the door closed behind me almost like it had a mind of it's own. I went ahead to look around Harry's room to see what he has in here other than the weird paintings on his walls that was of plants from the looks of it. I see weird books scattered across his desk that was in the corner of the room right next to the 'bed' that I sleeping on. I spent a few minutes just admiring how he has his room before I went to my bed and sat down to go to sleep. I was in bed almost asleep when I heard Harry sniffling I sat up in bed and that's when he started to toss and turn in bed. I shot out of my bed to go over there to wake him up and to get him out of what ever hell he he was experiencing. I started to just shack him trying to get him to wake up but the longer I shook him I saw that I really need to say something to get him up. I started to say his name then when he still wasn't up I told him that he was having a bad dream and that he needed to get up. At some point his brother was right next to me doing the exact same thing that I was doing he must of been by the door when Harry started to get worse with the nightmare. I noticed that he stopped whimpering but started to mumble in his sleep about how he shouldn't of trusted them and that he didn't realize that they had changed something in his memory. I looked at Barty to see if he had heard any of that but from the looks of it he didn't but then again he seemed more interested on getting Harry up out of these nightmares. Finally it started to look like we were making progress when he was responding to us by slowly but surely stopping the mumbling that he had been doing. Then all a sudden he shot up in bed. He had stared to cry while we were trying to wake him up so he had tears falling down his cheek while he was looking around his room. He was most likely trying to see if this was real or if he was still in his dream. He seemed to not even notice he was crying since he was to busy making sure that he was save where he was at.

Harry's POV:

I'm out of those horrible nightmares and back to the present with my family but what doesn't sit right is does dad know of the past or is it just like with me? Does he just keep me around for a reminder that he couldn't save me then but he is trying to now isn't he? Does he actually love me and Bar-Bar or is that all fake? Are we actually a family? Does he want me or am I just a huge burden on him? He did move over to America with me and Bar-Bar but at the same time he left everything behind. Did I force him to leave or did he actually want to leave? Then there's Bar-Bar does he really want a brother like me he could quite literally choose anyone to be his brother but he chose me. Why did he choose me I'm nothing really. I'm more of a traumatized kid with no parents and cant get by without breaking down into tears like I'm most likely doing. They may have helped me out with the Dursley's but what's to say they didn't even do it out of pity for a child that couldn't do anything right in his life. Maybe the Dursley's were right I really am a waste of space that no one would truly want because of myself being a freak.

I didn't even realize I was spiraling or that my magic had started to swirl around me trying to keep everyone away from me. I just kept on going until I felt something or rather someone breach the magic barrier around me to hug me. I looked up not knowing when I had looked down to find my dad there looking as if he was crying. That's when I realize I had at some point spoken out loud and that made me go even deeper into the spiral than I already had. Dad would of been pushed out if he hadn't already been hugging me while telling me that it will be alright and that I didn't have to worry about that at the moment. >Son we all can have a sit down talk to discuss anything and everything that you are still unsure about but at this moment in time I want you to try and calm down. Follow my breathing and I'll keep you perfectly safe.<  I later found out that I started to speak in Parseltongue forgetting either in that state of mind I forgot that dad could speak it or I just didn't notice while I was speaking. Me and dad stayed in this hug for a long time while my magic kept on going and while I was trying to calm down with the help from dad. When I was able to calm down we stayed in the hug only to have another person join in then another and another. With all of their warmth and being surrounded I felt not only warm but safe. Just from us being like this I knew that if anything was to came our way they would take it out. I know that I will be there for them all the way as well as helping them when ever they need the helping hand but they are going to be the ones to not let anything come between us no matter the cost and that was enough for me for now. We stayed like that for what seemed like hours but was most likely a few minutes until we had to separate since I was getting a little tired. "Here." Dad handed me a potion that had the look and smell of Dreamless sleep. "Drink this and in the morning we will talk about the nightmare if you are feeling up to it." With that I took the cap off of the bottle and drank it knowing that they would never hurt or poison me so drinking this was safe for me. While I felt it working I let the dark embraces catch me as I fall off into it's warm embrace.

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