He Did What!?!?

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Note: I don't own Harry Potter or Twilight. The characters wont act the same as in the movies and in the end of the day this is just a Fan-Fiction and it's written just for fun. 

Harry's POV:

As soon as we arrived we saw Tom was waiting on us near an alleyway. He had looked at us as soon as he heard the usual popping sound when someone apparates. When he saw that it was just us he let out the faintest of smiles. He was relived that we had managed to escape without being seen or hurt. Though I did get a little scratched up from the maze but that's nothing a healing potion or spell wont fix. So when we all had gotten to the front of the bank we walk in and up to the first free goblin and waited for them to see us. 

You may be wondering why we are just waiting and not demanding or anything but that's because they control your money and they deserve just as much respect as we give to other people. Plus we may or may not be friends to the goblin nation. When the goblin who's name is Blood-fang looked us at us Tom had asked to speak with my account manager. I didn't even know that I had one. Blood-fang leads us to the goblin that I met when I was here in first year and that was Griphook. He was really nice even though he seemed to not like Hadgid. 

Griphook Had welcomed us to come inside and sit but before I went in I turned to Blood-fang and said "May you gold over flow and your enemy crumble under your feet." He had seemed surprised but replied with "And may you fine people you can truly trust." Then he left while closing the door. I turn to the others in the room and walk to the other open chair then sit down. Griphook started to speak when all of us were seated and facing him.

"Alright Lord Riddle, Heir Crouch, and Heir Black-Potter what can I do for you today?" I had no clue on how to ask for an inheritance test and I guess a health test I didn't want to take it but I know if I didn't Tom and Barty would make sure I did. They both are very overprotective of me but I worry about how they are going to react when they see my health history. Tom bowed his head and told Griphook that I needed a inheritance test and a health test done. Griphook reached into his desk drawer pulling out two pieces of parchment with one dagger and placing the dagger in front of me. "Heir Black-Potter I need you to take the dagger and drop three drops of blood onto one parchment and four drops of blood on the other parchment." So I take the dagger while he placed the parchments beside each other. I was about to slice my finger when Barty put a cleaning spell on the dagger that will not only clean it before I use it but also after I get done with using it. I said a small thank you and sliced the tip of my finger and dripped three drops of blood on one sheet and dropped four on the other parchment. Once I was done I placed the dagger onto the table and Tom grabbed my hand to heal my finger and to clean my hand off. 

While this was going on Griphook had grabbed the parchments and pouring a purple looking liquid onto both of the parchments. Then red letters started to form on the parchment and when they stopped appearing Griphook asked which paper we wanted to see first. I told him that I wanted to see my inheritance test first and he handed it to me and I stared to read it out load to both Tom and Barty because Griphook told me that no one else can see it but me and my account manager.

Inheritance Test 

Hadrian James Black Potter

Date of Birth: July 31 1980

Father: James Charles Potter (Deceased)

Mother: Lily Luna Potter nee Evans (Deceased)

Sibling(s): None

Aunt: Petunia Dursley nee Evans (Alive)

Uncle: Vernon Dursley (Alive)

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