A Date With A Coven!?

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Note: I don't own Harry Potter or Twilight. The characters wont act the same as in the movies and in the end of the day this is just a Fan-Fiction and it's written just for fun. 

Tom's POV:

After the trials and dodging reporters for the Prophet we finally made it back to Gringotts where they gave us sanctuary for the time we are back in Britain. Right after the trials ended Rita Skeeter came up to Harry trying to get some answers out of him about the whole thing she didn't let up until an Auror dragged her away. She wasn't the only reporter that came up to him but she was the only one that didn't grab him. With all of the articles that she has made for Harry they have come to a mutual agreement for at the very least his articles be printed without any editing from the truth that she normally does. One of the reporters that grabbed him made him go into a panic attack that leads to both Remus and Sirius growling at them as a warning. Almost every person that had surrounded him at that moment had taken a step back like they had just remembered that their was a Werewolf in the crowd with them not to mention a person that was able to escape from Askaban. The people that didn't were people that didn't take the hint or is the one that was giving him a panic attack and that person was just laughing at him. When I went to grab that guys hand that still had a hold of Harry, Barty was just one step ahead of me and he almost punched the guy when he told Harry that he needed to 'start acting more like a guy and to toughen up.' I really didn't want Barty to let go of that guy but he needed to be handed over to the Auror. This whole scene happened right outside of the court room.  

I filed charges against that reporter telling Simon that I didn't want any more reporters to come anywhere near Harry. While I was doing this Barty was helping Harry calm down and he had a human wall just like during the trail just made out of Remus and Sirius. They were being the intimidating wolf couple that they are. Remus's eyes where a permanent amber color showing that his wolf was out and that he was willing to do anything to protect his cub. While Sirius had his hand on his wand he had reached for his wand the moment people got to close to his Godson. He had pulled it out when the guy put his hand Harry but when he showed signs of not letting go instead of getting violent Sirius sent a Patronus to the Aurors that was still in the room to come help us. In the end the Aurors offered us two options of how to get out of the Ministry and back to Gringotts. The Aurors told us they could be our bodyguards or they could do a Changing Spell on Harry so that way we could walk peacefully back to the bank. I went ahead and had them do the Spell on him since we were going straight to the bank the Goblins could change him back. 

They did the spell as soon as Harry was calm enough to know what was going on around him. Barty was telling him that he was going to pick him up and that he is going to walk him back to the bank. That is exactly what happened when I was able to get Remus and Sirius to come a long with us. They did follow but they had turned into our bodyguards and I know that there was nothing that I could say to stop them they would only listen to Harry at this moment. When Harry finally looked at them he laughed at them saying that he figured it would be all four of us being the bodyguards. Then he realized that he was being carried by someone he was about ready to freak out until he saw that it was just Barty. That's when he settled back down and he was even able to go to sleep while we were walking back into the bank.

That's how we got to this point in time where we have walked into the bank but the first thing that the goblins do is take us to Griphook. Griphook had heard from some people that was in the trail saying that we had gotten ambushed and the goblins weren't to sure if they needed to send some of their guards to came and get us for safe passage back to the bank. He noticed Harry in the disguise and told us that he needed us to wake him up to give him the potion for the removal of the spell. "Thank you for all of your help that you have done for my family." I had bowed my head to him he grunted to me saying that he was doing it for his friend. Barty has been trying to wake him back up but nothing he has done has worked. "Dad, Harry isn't waking up!" Barty was panicking not to say I wasn't but he was doing everything that he knew to wake him up. I looked at Griphook but he was already far ahead of me and called for the Medic goblin that is stationed here. She came running in telling us to set him on the bed that is floating behind her then when Barty put him on it she stared running a few tests on him. After what felt like hours but in reality it was only a few minutes that same goblin came back we a creepy smile but the look in her eyes said that she had good news. "How is my Pup?" "He's going to be alright, right?" "Just tell me that my Cub is going to be alright." All three of them talked over each other in the moment that they saw that she was walking over to us. She hadn't even gotten to us when they started with their question which I understand how they are feeling but I also know that you don't 1.) talk over a goblin and 2.) never cut off a goblin when they are speaking or when they go to speak. Luckily for them this goblin was feeling nice 

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