Who Is Dumbledore!?

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Note: I don't own Harry Potter or Twilight. The characters wont act the same as in the movies and in the end of the day this is just a Fan-Fiction and it's written just for fun. 

Edward's POV:

"Esme, you do remember that we can't eat right?" I asked knowing that I was probably be rude but I had to ask. She still gave me this look like I had just told her that we are going on strike to not go back to school. I mean we did that a years ago you would think that she would forgive us or at the very least not hold a grudge against us for this long. The time that we had held a strike we had a very good reason and it was when the school started talking about vampires and how to kill them, or what the 'looked like', or even how to keep them away. We had to go into hiding when the whole village started up the vampire hunts. I believe Carlisle's had come up with the lie that our family didn't want to be the next 'victims of an attack' so that way we could move. To one of our new homes that one was in a snowy forest far away from civilization so that way we didn't have to worry about people finding out we were vampires. "Edward, how about you try the food. Harry did go out of his way to find this so that way we could all eat with his family. He told me that he didn't want to leave us out of eating with them since we had invited them over." Esme was mad I didn't know that I had made her that angry but I saw that Harry looked a little sad to that must of been the reason why she had gone off on me. So I took a bite of the food that looked a little bit like pasta and it was the most amazing thing that I had ever tasted. With the way it tasted it has to of been made just like the Blood Pops just with out the sweetening agents that they had added to make it candy. I heard Emmett say something about it tasting like a bear sitting on a starchy beach to him while mine tasted like a mountain lion laying in the same starchy beach. 

"This is amazing, Thank you Harry." Alice was looking at him with stars in her eyes and her plate was almost empty. He told her it was no problem and it was the least that he could do with our nice offer for them to come over to our house for dinner. We settled into having a little bit of talking around the table like talking about the weather or we were just asking them some questions to get to know them more. But when dinner was done Esme and Harry brought out dessert for us and it looked the same to each other. Harry told us that the one he is carrying is for us while the one Esme is carrying is for his family. It turned out to be a 'chocolate' lave cake and it was delicious. While we were eating our dessert he proceed to tell us how he gave Esme copies of cook books so that way we can try new dishes and so she can finally make food for us that we can eat. He has given us one of things that made us different to people back and that is something that I couldn't be more happy about. When we all had finished Harry got up to go and help Esme with the dishes and the rest of us went to living room. Except Barty I believe that was his brothers name he stayed in the kitchen with them saying that he was going to stay just in case they might need help.

Once everyone was in the living room Jasper asked Tom 'Harry's father' the same question that he didn't answer when dinner was called. "Well I don't know how much you all know about Britain or the previous war." At this he turned to look at Carlisle with what I could read from Carlisle mind he was to asking for permission to tell us about the war(s). I could be far off but it looked like they somehow communicated threw only their eyes. For him to ask for permission it must be bad or something that Carlisle has tried to keep us away from in fear of someone or something. "Well I guess we should start at the beginning since we have a lot to cover." With that he started to tell us about how the first war went and the out come with that one. He told us about the previous 'Dark Lord' named Grindelwald and how he was defeated but he never said who had defeated him or how. He told us that the person who had wasn't doing it out of the good in his heart but for the fame and fortune that came with defeating him. "Who was this person that you are talking about?" Carlisle asked in a scared tone like he knew who they had been speaking of but just didn't want to admit it to himself. 

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