Who Are You?

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Note: I don't own Harry Potter or Twilight. The characters wont act the same as in the movies and in the end of the day this is just a Fan-Fiction and it's written just for fun. 

Harry's POV:

"Bea if you and the rest can come here to talk I would like to have that conversation with you all. Just to repeat you all aren't in any trouble I just wanted to talk without other people around." Bea and the rest of the elves had popped in right after I said that. Bea was holding a very frightened Anne she was thinking that their master was different than what Dobby had told them. Dan was standing in front of the girls ready to protect them from anything while Hugo was trying to keep Missy from having a full panic attack. Dobby just ran up to me to give me a big hug while the others waited to see how I would react, but I guess I didn't give them the responds that they were waiting on because I hugged Dobby back. With that one action I had managed to calm all of them down at least enough to have a conversation with them. "I know with our first meeting for me to tell you all that we where going to talk later wasn't really the best course of actions but you all have to see it from my perspective I had just woken up from a two day slumber and I haven't now anything about the wizarding world. I was eleven when I first had hear of it then I found out how my parents really died and that I was the 'Chosen One' and that I was meant to defeat the same man that had killed my parents. I-" I didn't realize that I had started to mumble until Bea and Dan where hugging me along side of Dobby they all where trying to calm me down from my ranting. But I then saw that I had scared Anne and Missy I didn't mean to. Bea started to hum like how a mother would do to calm their children down but it also felt like she was giving off calming energy that was helping me and I didn't want to let her go. 

"Bea, Dan, Dobby, thank you Anne and Missy I'm sorry for scaring you I didn't intend to do that I hope that you could forgive me this isn't a order. Before we continue If you all would just call me Harry I would really appreciate it. I really don't like being called by my last name and it wouldn't feel right to be called master considering that you all are family and family don't talk to each other that way or at least your not suppose to. If you all really need to just call me Sir Harry just not my last name." Everyone around me was really happy and some of the girls looked about ready to cry like I had just said something that hasn't been a thing for them but I don't want any creature to feel like they don't matter and that they weren't apart of the family. "So I remember that you all had asked if I would like for you all to continues with your search and yes I would, but if you all don't mind first I need for you all to make and decorate four rooms for me." They all agreed but Anne seemed to be the most excited out of the six of them. I decided to have Anne working on Moons room since she gave of the vibe that moon did. Dan and Missy would work on the Tricksters room with help from Dobby since he knew them as well. Hugo would work on Herbs room. I told them that I needed the rooms done in four days since they would be here by them. I also remembered to tell them what each of them liked to the respective elf. I also asked them if they could put their names on the doors and have the doors have a design on them that associated with the person.

Before they left to make the room Bea proceeded to tell me what each elves assigned job was. Anne was to make sure each bedroom is clean and that's not just my friends room but mine, Barty, and Tom's. While she also had to check all of the mail that comes into the house for each resident. Hugo would do the gardening while cleaning the dinning hall, living room, library, and all the hallways. Missy would help him but would also take care of all the animals on the property meaning not only out familiars but other animals on the grounds. Dan would help her in the kitchen while helping out around the house for the other elves. Dobby can do what he wants since he like a member of the family but he had told them if they did need help to just ask him.

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