Who's Trial Is First?

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Note: I don't own Harry Potter or Twilight. The characters wont act the same as in the movies and in the end of the day this is just a Fan-Fiction and it's written just for fun. 

Harry's POV:

Me, dad, Remus, Barty in the disguise of a 'Brian' Riddle by brother, and Sirius had arrived in Britain early this morning to go to Gringotts to see if they would mind to give us sanctuary until we go back home. I know that we could of gone to Sirius's place or even dad's place but I thought that Gringotts would be a safer place no one stupid enough would try anything there at the bank. The goblins said that it was alright with them since I was what the told me a friend of the goblin nation and so was the rest was my family so they were more than welcomed. When it was an hour before the trial was to start my family and I were getting ready to head off to the Ministry. Griphook had told us that he would be accompanying us to the Ministry since we were going to need my health report to be show. So when we arrived our group had grown by one Barty was the only one in disguise since even if dad was recognized no one would believe them and with the adoption already being approved by not only Lady Magic but the Ministry and goblins. So Dumbles wouldn't be able to do anything since everything was done the 'legal' way. 

When I walked into the room all of the people present turned their heads to me as if I was a figment to their imagination which at this point I could of been. They all did a double take when they saw me then they all but ran to me to talk me. I would of been tackled if it wasn't for Mooney and Sirius they had pulled me behind them bumping into someone and when I looked over my shoulder I saw that I bumped into 'Brian'. Dad put a hand on my shoulder and started to guide me and Barty to our lawyer so that way we could get a little acquainted before the trial started and so we didn't get trampled by that crowd of people. While I was walking over to our lawyer I noticed a few faces that I did recognize like Lucius Malfoy he looked just like he did in my second year but just a little bit older which makes sense because it has been three year when I met him. Then I saw Augusta Longbottom she looked just like I had seen in the picture that Nev had shown me. I continued to look around the room even when we made it to our lawyer who's name is Simon Daffle. Simon has been making a case against Dumbles and his Order so that way if I ever wanted to return to Britain for some reason I could with out worry from Dumbles. I hope that the trials that are to be set for them in the near future. I saw that some of the Hogwarts teachers are here but it seems like Dumbles hasn't arrived. That was when I noticed a brown haired woman walk up to us with a friendly smile and from the looks of it she seems sincere with her smile and her eyes held determination. 

"Hello, my name is Amelia Bones. You must be Hadrian Black Potter Riddle." She had raised her hand for me to shake and I grabbed it to give a firm hand shake but I made sure that it wasn't to tight so that I didn't hurt her. I nodded to her smiling and told her that she had the right person then I let go of her hand to introduce her to who was in my group and I was well aware that everyone was listening in to our conversation. The people that are around us weren't that good at hiding that fact. "Madam Bones this man right here is my adoptive father Marvolo Riddle and the male next to him is my adoptive brother 'Brian' Riddle. Then the male that has sandy hair he is one of my Godfathers Remus Lupin then there is his mate that I know you have met my other Godfather Sirius Black while this is my lawyer Simon Daffle. We also can't forget my account manager Griphook who has volunteered to accompany us here during the trials. Everyone this is Madam Amelia Bones." She turned to shake all of their hands while I heard everyone start to whisper about how I called someone else dad or that I knew how to greet people as if I had been raised as a Pureblood. We continued to talk until Lucius Malfoy came over to us to let us know that the Trial was about to begin to which I thanked him before he walked back over to his seat. Amelia Bones said goodbye to us then she headed back over to where she was going to be sitting.

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