"I know. I can't let her lose her job because of me and I really want to go to NYU."

"I know. So play it safer. No matter how safe it is now, be safer." He said standing up taking the cupcakes with him.

"We'll have to." I said helping him.

"Good, now. Tomorrow I was thinking after your therapy session we could move the rest of the stuff back home so you all could be in your beds once again." He said with a smile.

"Sure, but is..." I trailed off hoping Colton would understand.

"Yes. He's all moved out. I went by today to check. It's like he never lived there kiddo. Don't worry about that." He said with a wide smile.

I couldn't help how my own smile grew on my face. I didn't mean for it to appear but he's gone, no more worrying about him.

"Thank you." I hugged Colton before turning to go play with Kinsley for a bit.

✾ ✾ ✾

I woke up to a million messages this morning. Some from people I didn't even know.

I didn't really care for them because it was all about the stuff people put on the schools instagram yesterday. I didn't answer any of them, just Zoë's, Birdie's, and obviously Valentina's  messages.

I've only had two classes so far and they've been okay. Nothing much just maths, where the work has somehow gotten easier to comprehend, and chemistry.

And I got a detention in that class. I seem to be getting more do those lately.

I got another from Mr Bale for simply not know the answer to a question, so like always he decided I wasn't listening.

Physics is my last class before I leave for the rest of the day.

We're watching a documentary for some reason, so I laid my head on my desk for a bit.

Everyone has been looking at me and whispering things to each other. The boys have asked me out and I've said no every time while the girls were congratulating me.

Well all of them but Clarissa.

I felt a buzz in my lap and looked down to see a text from Ally.

Hey, I wanted to say congrats on the photoshoot, you look incredible as always.

Thanks Ally :)

Whose brand was it?

I don't know, I was just called to model the items 🤷🏻‍♀️



People are just saying that it's a teachers brand, here at school. But it's just rumours right.

I looked back to see her with a look on her face I couldn't quiet place. She was smirking and it was un comforting to even notice.

I didn't respond to her text and just sighed.

Play it safe.

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