f i f t y - o n e

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The next morning came by within a flash, Jisung had already finished fetching all the papers and was now on his way to the post office, sending out the papers to the agency. Once he was finished, he made his way towards the hotel.

The first person he came across once he walked through the doors of the hotel was Felix. "Hello Ji!" The boy said happily

"Hello Lix, how are you feeling?"

"I'm great, you?"

"Same old." Jisung smiled

"You're quite late." Felix said looking over at his watch "Is Minho gonna be okay with that?"

"Don't worry, I already told him." Jisung said

"That's good, he can be really grumpy sometimes." Felix frowned

"Are you two still on bad terms?"

Felix nodded.

Jisung frowned, placing his hand on Felix's shoulder. "Maybe try talking to him?"

"He won't even look at me Ji, it's pointless."

"You never know until you try." Jisung reassured

"You think so?"

"I know so." Jisung said, pulling Felix into a hug "I can talk to him if you want."

"N-no! Please." Felix said with visible fear in his eyes

"Why not?"

"It's just that... There's something's you don't know about him and I."

"Oh, yeah. You're right, but even so, please try your best to make it up to him. I fear he'll be lonely."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm going to quit."

"You're what?!" Felix yelled "W-why? Was it Hyunjin?"

"No, it's no one's fault. I just got a new deal outside of the country."

"Outside of the country as in, outside of Korea?" Felix questioned

"Yeah, but don't tell anyone please. Keep it a secret between you and I. It's what's best." Jisung sighed

"Does Minho know about it?" Felix asked worriedly

"Not yet because I know he'll try to stop me so I'll tell him once it's done."

"Ji... I guess you're right, he wouldn't let you leave. He can be a bit possessive."

Jisung nodded, "Well Lix, I'll be off now. Take care!"

"You too!" Felix smiled still worriedly thinking over the situation


Jisung was now standing in front of Hyunjins office, slightly trembling. He was tempted to walk towards Minho's office instead but knew that if he were to do that, he'd be missing out on a big opportunity for his career. He sighed to himself, finally getting the courage to knock on the door.

"Come in." He heard Hyunjin say

Jisung gulped, feeling the anxiety rush through him as he opened the door, making eye contact with Hyunjin. "Oh it's you Jisung. What do you need?" Hyunjin smiled gesturing at the chair in front for him to sit at

"I'll get straight to the point sir." Jisung said, while placing his resignation letter on Hyunjins desk

Hyunjin looked over at the letter in shock, "What's the meaning of this Jisung?"

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