s i x t e e n

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As Felix and Jisung spent their break inside the lounge, Hyunjin decided against his own and resumed his work instead. He got himself a cup of coffee, taking a few sips from time to time as he went through all the paperwork. Hyunjin kept his focus on what he was doing, not getting interrupted by even a little noise. So much that he didn't notice Chan who had just entered the office.

Chan noticed how busy Hyunjin looked yet he felt bad for the younger not taking his break. Chan walked closer to Hyunjin snapping his fingers in front of Hyunjins eyes, startling him.

"Take a break, will you? You are the CEO, being a little late with turning these in won't be a bother to anyone considering what your name is." - Chan said as he snatched the papers out of Hyunjins hands

"I don't like being late, let me finish it." - Hyunjin replied as he tried snatching the papers back, failing

Chan raised his arm up as he kept moving away refusing to give Hyunjin the papers back. "Rest and then you'll get them. You don't want to get eye bags do you?"

Hyunjin sighed. "Ten minutes. You have ten minutes until you give them back to me."

"Make it fifteen at least, then I'll think about it." - Chan replied with a sly smile

"You're unbearable." Hyunjin rolled his eyes.

"I'm doing this so your workaholic ass doesn't faint before opening the door to his mansion."

"I'll have you carry me if I do." Hyunjin winked.

"Didn't know you were still needy for attention as you were when we were younger." Chan smiled.

"You're my best friend dumbass." Hyunjin playfully hit Chan's chest. "Of course I'd want your attention from time to time. You're so busy with work it makes me worry. Are you sleeping any better?"

"Not really, my sleep schedule has only gotten worse." Chan nervously chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head. "I try to sleep though."

Hyunjin sighed. "I'm glad you're trying at least. Is the medicine I bought you working?"

"Surprisingly, they are. Though I try not to get addicted to them." Chan's face brightened up.

"That's good, I'm glad it is. I made sure to get the best doctor for you." Hyunjin replied

"I guess that's what's good about having a rich best friend." Chan teased.

"Hey, you're rich yourself too." Hyunjin laughed.

"True, true. Not as rich as you but I'm getting there." Chan gestured

"Try marrying a rich woman, you'd have double then." - Hyunjin laughed

"Good point. But no one wants a man who spends most of his time at work." Chan shrugged.

"So Felix won't want me..." Hyunjin said quietly

"Oh yeah, regarding Felix. Have you made him your assistant?"

"Yeah, I was surprised when he agreed too." Hyunjin smiled

"I can't believe you actually did that... You really weren't kidding." Chan laughed

"I'm a man of my word." Hyunjin smirked as he sat back down on his chair, putting his arms behind his head

"You've never changed huh?"

"Nope, not even once." - said Hyunjin as he looked at his watch "Fifteen minutes is up." He smirked

"God damn it, already? Looks like my break is over too." Chan sighed as he walked towards the exit

"Good luck." Hyunjin said earning a smile from Chan before he left.

"He's still cute." Hyunjin smiled to himself

At the lounge.

Jisung and Felix sighed once it was time to leave the lounge. Jisung rolled his eyes at the thought of seeing Minho again.

"Let me guess, you're thinking about how you have to look at Minho again?" Felix laughed

"I really hate that look on his face Felix... It drives me insane. It's like he knows how much he annoys me so he does it more." Jisung sighed.

Felix laughed even more now, holding onto his stomach. "You've just made my day."

"Oh shut it!" Jisung playfully hit Felix.

"Okay okay, sorry." Felix wiped a tear off his face from how much he laughed.

"I'll be off now Lix, I don't want that cat attacking me with his claws." Jisung chuckled as he walked off.

Felix smiled before noticing Young-seo who was just walking inside the lounge. "Young-seo!" Felix yelled making her turn her head towards Felix

Felix ran up to Young-seo. "Where have you been?"'

"Busy with the guests as always." Young-seo laughed "What do you need me for?"

"I got promoted today so I was thinking, do you wanna go out to dinner with one of my colleagues and I?" Felix asked

Young-seo's facial expression turned surprised. "Promoted, already? Good job Felix! And who's this colleague?"

Felix smiled. "Yes, the CEO asked me to be his assistant. And the colleague is Jisung, I've told you about him. Remember?"

A memory of Jisung flashed in Youjg-seo's head making her shake her head slightly. "I'd love to go." She tried to smile though Felix wasn't quick to notice such acts.

"That's great! I'll text you the information some time later. See you Young-seo!" Felix waved as he ran towards Hyunjins office

At the office.

Hyunjin stood by the glass wall, looking out of it. The view was one of the prettiest in the hotel, of course it would be in his office. Hyunjin heard the door of his office open so he turned around only to lock eyes with a smiling Felix.

"I'm assuming your break went well?" Hyunjin smiled slightly

"You sure do have a keen eye Hyunjin." Felix chuckled

"It isn't hard to notice, since you're smiling from ear to ear." Hyunjin replied

"Ah, sorry about that." Felix said shyly

"Please don't be. I like to see you smile. So mind telling me what the reason behind your smile may be?" Hyunjin asked keeping his gaze at Felix

"You are." Felix smiled

"I am?" Hyunjins eyes widened slightly "What did I do?"

"You made me your assistant, which I'm very happy about. I'd like to think that you see potential in me and trust me enough to do such a thing. I'm honored. The other reason behind this smile..." Felix pointed at his lips. "Is because I get to hang out with my two favorite people due to the promotion."

Hyunjin couldn't hide the smile on his face, he walked up to Felix slightly moving his hair to the side so that he could see Felix's features better. Hyunjin cupped Felix's right cheek caressing it gently with his thumb making Felix blush as he looked up at Hyunjin.


"You made me happy by saying that. Thank you." Hyunjin said as he walked back to his seat, Felix remained confused and flustered not understanding what had just happened nor what he was feeling.

"Mind giving me a hand smiley boy?" Hyunjin said as he gestured at his computer screen

"O-of course!" Felix replied as he quickly took the spot next to Hyunjin


Author J 01/10/'23

Surprise surprise, double update this week for you~ I'm hoping that you're enjoying the story so far as I am.

To be honest, writing these chapters has become slightly harder for me since my focus is horrible. I keep getting distracted by the littlest things but what's important is that I'm trying my hardest to finish the task I suppose 🥲.

Til next week!~ Author J loves you and hopes you have a great day 💕

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