f o r t y - s e v e n

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It wasn't long 'til Jisung and Minho got to work, without much talk they focused on their tasks for the day. Minho let out a few exhausted sighs every now and then, getting tired from all the requests he was getting emailed. Jisung stayed silent, trying his best to get distracted by work. To his misfortune, the plan backfired and made him think back to his previous issue instead.

You might've guessed it, Jisung was going to talk to that one person he hoped he would never see again. His best friend from the past, Young-seo. Jisung wasn't sure how he was going to do what he planned, he wasn't sure if it would even help the situation or worsen it. Even so, he was desperate to get it off his chest. 'I think I got it now.' Jisung thought to himself

A few minutes later, the clock ticked signaling that it was time for lunch. Jisung exhaled after holding his breath the entire time. 'Having anxiety really isn't helping me at the moment.' Jisung felt disappointed in himself

"Where are you going to have lunch, Jisung-ah?" Minho asked

"Oh, I'll be at the lounge today. Hope you don't mind." Jisung replied

"Of course I don't, have fun. I'm assuming you'll be with him?"

"You mean Felix? Yes, I'll hang out with him." Jisung smiled

"Right, him. Alright, go off." Minho smiled back "Eat well."

"Will do!" Jisung said before walking out of the office and towards the elevator

He clicked the button that led to the first floor, playing with his fingers afterwards. The door to the elevator opened, revealing an empty hallway which was strange since it was lunchtime but Jisung thought nothing of it and walked inside the lounge.

"Ji, long time no see!" Felix spoke from behind Jisung making him jump

"Jeez Felix, you scared me!"

"Hehe, sorry about that. I just got excited to see you." Felix chuckled

Jisung shook his head as a way to reassure Felix that it's okay. "Wanna take a seat?" He asked

"Of course, I was planning on looking for you anyway! Let's take that one over there." Felix pointed at one of the tables in the back

That's when Jisung noticed the ring on Felix's finger. His eyes widened once he realized it was an engagement ring. "Yo Felix... Is that an engagement ring?"

Felix gulped, "Um... Yeah. My partner proposed to me last night."

"You have a partner?!" Jisungs mouth flew open

Felix grew flustered, "Yeah I've had one for a while."

"How long and why did you not tell me?!" Jisung spoke out excitedly

"We wanted to keep the relationship private. Sorry Ji." Felix giggled

"Oh, so you guys are that type. I get it. So who's this lucky person?" Jisung asked curiously

"Can't reveal that yet. Anyway, how are things with Minho? I was a bit surprised that you're dating my bro- I mean friend." Felix spoke

"Awh, it's a bummer that you won't tell me who they are! Things with Minho are fine, nothing to worry about." Jisung smiled

"Did you guys do it?" Felix winked

"Do what?"

"You know~"


"Did you-" Felix showed an example with his hands

"What, no!" Jisung blushed

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