f o r t y - f i v e

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"And the star arrives!"

Once Minho has said that, Jisung walked from the back of the gallery all the way to the front as his manager helped him sit down next to the people Jisung admired the most, his favorite author and professors from his college. Jisung sat down proudly, the anxious look on his face no longer being present as he bowed and gestured for everyone to take their seats.

"Before we begin, I'd like to thank all of you for arriving today and a thank you to those who have helped me reach this far." Jisung spoke through the microphone smiling at all the people inside the gallery as it was full of strangers to Jisungs eye, his friends, employees and his idols

"Now that it has been said, I'd like to talk about my books for the first time, while finally revealing my true identity at the same time. I've been writing undercover as Author H.JS ever since I've started this journey. I'm Han Jisung, the author of 'A path with no end' and the book you are all here for today 'The Moonlight'."

Some people in the audience gasped while the photographers continued taking pictures, more and more flashes filling the gallery's interior.

"The reason I've stayed undercover for so long is because I feared being known and spotted in public by strangers... But now, I've gained the courage to finally take full credit of my work as I've noticed many have tried stealing it from me." Jisung began

The audience clapped as Jisungs boyfriend, Minho had the same gentle look in his eyes. The only person Minho could ever look at with such love in his eyes, was Jisung.

A full thirty minutes had passed since Jisung started this event, he talked about his previous and current book joined by the opinions of his professor and favorite author which made him tear up. Jisung had never been happier, more proud of himself. He finally felt like a person who was worth something.

"I find Han as someone whose work is always admirable, true masterpieces."

"A path with no end is my favorite book of all time!"

"Being able to teach Han was truly fate, spending time with someone as talented made me realize just how much I need to work myself! His speed and ideas are one of a kind, a true gift from God to us. It's an honor to be here and speak of such an admirable person." His professor began

"When I first encountered Han, it was at a sign event which I had held a few years back. He looked so young and so worn out, but I could always tell that something about him was extraordinary. At first glance, I could tell just how kind he truly was. A rare sight in this society. I was happy to listen to him talking about my books and how they inspired him to write what he does now. Is it okay if I say that I'm proud to be his favorite author...?" The author chuckled at the end

All of these words, the smiles he brought onto people's faces... It all made him want to sob out of nothing but joy.

"Sir Han, how does it feel like to be an author? Is it a hard job?" One of the people in the audience asked

"It would be a lie if I were to tell you that it is an easy task, it requires a lot of practice and patience. I've been writing ever since I was twelve and let me tell you, my first works were... Bad. But they all helped me reach this far! Being an author is an honor, even though it has its ups and downs. I'm satisfied with where I am now." Jisung answered

Another hour had passed and the promotion was coming to an end, Hyunjin and Felix walked up to Jisung giving him a bouquet of white roses and just then the camera clicked a photo. A photo which they'll all remember.

"Ji you made it! You really did, I'm so proud of you!" Felix said as he hugged Jisung slightly crying

Hyunjin patted both of their backs with a smile on his face. Once Felix and Jisung parted from their hug, Felix reached over to the microphone: "I hope you guys don't mind but I have a few words to share. When I first started working at the Golden Hotel, Jisung was the first person I've met and I have to admit that I've always found him interesting. No, I don't think interesting is the right word. Jisung is mysterious but it's what makes him who he is. I've wanted to know more about him and now that I get to call him my friend... I have absolutely no regrets. I'm more than happy to have him in my life so please, treat him well? I'm hoping you will, it'll make me really happy to see him smile more often." Felix smiled once he finished his speech

"Then I as the CEO of the hotel this sunshine spoke of, would like to exchange a few words as well." Hyunjin said as Felix handed him the microphone
"I have to admit that, Han Jisung is one of the employees I cherish the most at my hotel. With that, you better treat him well or I'm coming after you guys!" Hyunjin laughed

This was all planned by Felix, the bouquet of white roses, their speech... All to make Jisung happy. And it worked, Jisung was happier than ever... He was, crying?

Minho got up from his seat, as the final surprise, hugging Jisung from behind with Hyunjin holding the microphone close: "My love here is crying tears of joy, just as I was when he agreed to go out on a date with me."

Everyone gasped, even Hyunjin and Felix. "This amazing person right here is my boyfriend, whom I'm hoping you will cherish just as much as I do." Minho said but before he could finish his speech Jisung kissed him

Confetti, everywhere. Flashes filling the interior once again, smiles on many faces. Everything was going well, better than Jisung could ever imagine.


The time for his ending speech for the night was nearing. Felix, Hyunjin and Minho sat back onto their seats as Jisung sat in front of them all.

"My true motive is to let people acknowledge that they are not alone. That there is someone out there, who is going through the same things they are. That there is always help and that a part of it is the comfort books can bring. I truly hope you will relate and enjoy my books, thank you for tonight!" Jisung finished

The event was coming to an end, most people had already left, the staff began cleaning the area specifically where the confetti was blasted at. Leaving Minho, Felix, Hyunjin, Chan and Jisung to stay in the back having a chat together. Through their laughter, Jisung looked to the side and noticed someone... Young-seo smiled at him as she talked to his manager.

'Was she here this whole time...?' Jisung thought

"Yo let's look through the photos! The photographers emailed them!" Felix said eagerly

They went through the photos, smiling, laughing at some... Jisung noticed someone in the back of the third photo, Young-seo. 'So she was here.' Jisungs heart dropped


Author J

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