n i n e t e e n

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Hyunjin leaned closer, gently wrapping his hand around Felix's waist. Felix could feel Hyunjins hot breath near his ear as he whispered: "I don't think that blanket can beat the warmth of another. Can it?"

Felix blushed as he slightly pulled Hyunjin away from him. "Don't get so close to me, I'm sick remember?"

Hyunjin chuckled. "Right, you are. That doesn't mean that I take back my offer though."

Felix rolled his eyes playfully. "Get ready for bed before I change my mind and make you sleep on this couch."

Hyunjin jumped up from the couch. "As you say captain." He then said earning a laugh from Felix.

Hyunjins gaze softened upon seeing Felix's smile. He looked pretty, too pretty to be real. Hyunjin smiled before following Felix inside the bedroom.

"Okay, let's make a deal here." said Felix as he placed a red cloth in the center of the bed, now pointing at it whilst locking eyes with Hyunjin. "Neither of us will cross this line tonight, okay?"

Hyunjin looked down at the cloth and then at Felix with a confused expression. "You sure we need to go that far?"

Felix nodded. "It's necessary if one, I don't want you to get sick and two, if I want to sleep peacefully."

Hyunjin smirked. "Alright, princess. Whatever you say I'll oblige."

"I'm a princess now?" Felix scoffed earning a chuckle from Hyunjin.

Hyunjin scratched the bottom of Felix's chin with a smile saying: "You are a princess. Look at you, all demanding and playing hard to get."

Felix blushed again, turning his head away. "At least call me a prince, if you're gonna tease me like that."

"Alright, my prince it is." Hyunjin said poking Felix's chest

"L-let's get in bed! I'm sleepy." Felix said through a small panic

"Which side do I get?" Hyunjin asked

"The left." Felix pointed

Hyunjin nodded, snuggling underneath the covers. He noticed Felix wasn't budging from where he was standing to which Hyunjin raised his eyebrow at him. "Aren't you gonna get in bed too?"

"You're really gonna sleep shirtless...?" Felix mumbled

"Sorry, I didn't hear what you said. Can you repeat it?" Hyunjin said tiredly

"I said I'll get in bed now." Felix lied

Hyunjin smiled as he turned to the side. Shortly after Hyunjin felt Felix moving underneath the covers which told him that he finally decided to lay down.

"I'll be turning the lights off now." Felix said

"Mhm~" Hyunjin murmured half asleep

Both Felix and Hyunjin drifted of to sleep.


Somewhere during the night Hyunjin got woken up by a strange feeling, almost as if a bit of weight was being placed on his body. He opened his eyes slightly to inspect what was going on before a smile creeped on his face.

Felix cuddled up to Hyunjin in his sleep, his head resting on Hyunjins chest with both his arm and leg wrapped around Hyunjin.

'So much for not crossing the line.' Hyunjin smiled to himself as he gently caressed Felix's hair. Hyunjin layed his head back onto the pillow, now looking up at the ceiling.

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