e l e v e n

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Third person pov.

Jisung started the shower, making sure the water was warm enough to sting before entering. He kept his head low as he was leaning against the wall, the water dripping down his hair to his neck as it moved further and further down his body and onto the floor. The water stung Jisung more by each minute but he didn't mind, he was too lost in thought. Too lost in his past to be able to focus on his present-

Flashback 1.

It was the day of Daniel's birthday, Jisung wanted to surprise him by visiting him without telling him. Jisung had brought a few gifts with him as he walked towards Daniel's house. Daniel's house was close to a park which people often walked by with either their partners or kids, it resembled youthful love or that's what everyone thought of it.

Jisung smiled to himself, upon spotting Daniel inside the park. Did Daniel know Jisung was going to be there? Jisung blushed, thinking how romantic his boyfriend was being until he saw a woman he couldn't recognize next to Daniel. Jisung furrowed his eyebrows, thinking to himself as to who this woman could be.

Just as Jisung was about to call out for Daniel he was met with one of the most heartbreaking sights in his life. The woman kissed Daniel, wrapping her arms around his neck. The bags that fell out of Jisungs hands made a loud noise as his eyes filled with tears. The two turned their heads towards Jisung, Daniel's eyes widening once he realized who was in front. Jisung quickly ran away as tears fell down his face. He heard Daniel calling for him but he refused to stop running.

End of flashback 1.

Jisung squeezed his eyes shut upon unlocking such a memory, despite the warm water falling onto his bare skin Jisung shivered and began to shake. He felt his heart tightening though Jisung refused to let out any emotion.

Start of flashback 2.

Jisung and Daniel were sitting on a bench, the moonlight shined onto their faces as they looked up at the sky. Daniel rested his arm around Jisung, before he began to caress Jisungs hair.

"Your hair is so pretty, Ji. I always wondered how you took such good care of it." - Daniel smiled

Jisung blushed slightly upon the nickname and the attention he was getting by the older. "I guess we'll never know."

End of flashback 2.

Jisung scoffed, turning off the shower as he got out. He placed a towel around his waist and walked towards the mirror. Jisung took a close look of himself before sighing, he was disgusted. Jisung grabbed a pair of scissors and began to cut his hair shorter than it was. He wanted to try growing his hair out but that all went in vain once a certain someone said he liked it again.

After Jisung finished his small haircut, he washed his face and walked out of the bathroom. He felt tears in his eyes, he wanted to cry so badly but before he could let out a tear he got reminded of something-

Flashback 3.

"Jisung-ah! Why are you crying again?" - yelled Jisungs mom

Jisung sobbed even louder, "He took my toy away from me!"

"Han Jisung, how many times do I have to tell you that crying isn't something we do in this house?"

"B-but mom-"

"No buts, cry more and I'll give you a better reason to cry!"


Jisung was fourteen at the time, he came back home after a long and stressful day at school. He ended up getting a lower grade that day because he didn't pay enough attention in class due to his lack of sleep.

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