t w e n t y - f i v e

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Their hang out has come to an end, Felix and Jisung had returned to their offices while Young-seo ran inside the bathroom trying her best to hold back the lingering thoughts.

In her head she kept repeating:

'He's not the same person anymore. He's changed, too different for me to recognize him.'

She had all sorts of thoughts running through her head:

'Has someone hurt him? Why's he so cold, yet why does it feel like he's hiding himself? Have people ruined him? What happened to him while I was gone?'

She couldn't help but still care for him even though they were no longer friends and have separated a long time ago. Despite their friendship breaking apart Young-seo would always read through Jisungs work, keeping in touch with everything he would do except for how he felt.


Young-seo walked around the library searching for a specific poetry book she was eager to read. As she was looking through the isles she finally came across the book she wished to read "A path with no end" by H.JS.

She smiled from ear to ear, admiring the covers of the book until a lady around her age walked by noticing the book in Young-seo's hands.

"You like the book too?" The lady smiled

Young-seo nodded shyly, "I heard it's the author's best seller."

"I'm sure you'll like the poems featured within the book. The author is really talented, I'm kind of glad that I managed to meet him." The lady picked out one of the books from H.JS.

"This one is my favorite though, the amount of emotions it awoke within me while reading is unimaginable." She lifted up the book earning a smile from Young-seo

"So, how did you meet the author?" Young-seo asked

"He held a small meetup a few months ago. He was super sweet and pretty too! Though there's this one thing I was concerned for... There was something off about his gaze." The lady frowned "But I'm sure it was just the day, I mean there were a lot of people there. Anyways! I've got to go now, have fun reading."

Young-seo waved at her before looking back at the book, her thoughts were racing but even so she kept going on with her day.

End of flashback.

Young-seo stood in silence, realizing how much she missed Jisung yet he was no longer there in her eyes. Jisung was no longer who he used to be, and she didn't blame him for it.

She just wished for things to be different, Young-seo wished for a different universe in which their story didn't end where it has.

At Minhos office.

Jisung walked inside the office, smiling brightly at the sight of Minho. Despite the numbness he felt, Jisung tried his best to not let it show.

"How was the break?" Minho asked looking up from his laptop

"Could be better, but what about you?"

"I didn't really take mine, I kept working." Minho chuckled "But you don't seem like you've enjoyed yours at all, has something happened?"

"You're always quick to notice." Jisung rolled his eyes "I don't really want to get reminded of it, so how about you entertain me with something else?" Jisung smirked playfully

"Here you go again." Minho sighed "Help me with these papers then." Minho said handing Jisung the papers

Jisung pouted as a joke, "You're no fun Min!" He said taking the papers in his hands, taking a seat in his chair

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