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Third person pov.

Hyunjin was seated on his desk, staring at the screen of his laptop. He was in deep thought, analyzing the previous events and themes. But even so, he couldn't come up with a new one for this year. They just recently started doing themed events, the ones in the past (back when Hyunjins father was still the CEO) were held once every month and were based off of the hotels luxury. The events Hyunjin does are mostly either based off of their promoting companies, signed companionships, hotels birthday and the most recent one "Golden Hotels open doors."

It has been a year since the last open doors of the hotel, which is why Hyunjin ran out of ideas. They started this event two years ago, meaning that Hyunjin had planned the past two themes himself. The themes they had so far were "luxury gold" and "astrology".

Hyunjin groaned out of frustration upon the fact that no ideas were crossing his mind, he had thought of some but none of them fit the hotel well. Upon his frustrations, he called Mina over demanding that she brings the new organizer to his office. He wanted to know if the new guy had any ideas that could help him.

Mina rushed to Felix's office, not bothering to look at her surroundings. She knew how bad frustrated Hyunjin is, so she tried her best to get to Felix as quick as possible.

"Felix!" - Mina slightly yelled once she got inside Felix's office

"What happened?" - Felix jolted up from his chair anxiously

"The CEO wants you inside his office, he said it's urgent. He's frustrated so I advise you to control your tounge and um-"

"O-oh my God. What did I do wrong?"

"No need to panic, I think he just wants your opinion on something."

"How can I not panic I don't even know the man!"

"We got to go, run after me!"

"We're running?!" - Felix yelled while following behind Mina

In front of Hyunjins office.

"Okay, this is the CEOs office. Please don't mess this up. Good luck." - Mina squinted her eyes before opening the door for Felix

Felix walked inside Hyunjins office, he looked around before spotting him sitting on his desk with his eyes fixated on the screen of his laptop. Felix gulped before saying, "I'm here per your request sir."

"Sit down." - Hyunjin said coldly, gesturing at the seat near his desk without looking up at Felix

Felix felt his entire body shiver upon hearing Hyunjins voice, but he remembered Minas words which made him oblige Hyunjins request quickly. Felix sat down, making himself comfortable as much as he could without making too much noise. Felix looked up at Hyunjin, examining him.

Felix noticed the olders beautiful facial features, his intimidating coffee brown eyes, his plump yet soft lips, his sharp jawline, the veins on his arms and hands. How Hyunjins watch rested on his wrist with his hands intertwined with each other... Felix bit his lip without realizing once he took another glance at Hyunjins lips. Felix realized what he was doing and quickly turned his head away from Hyunjin, now looking at the floor.

Hyunjin placed his hand against his chin as his fingers slightly touched his bottom lip. He was focused on the screen, examining the previously documented events. That's when he looked up at Felix, noticing how nervous the man was.

"You're Felix Lee, correct?" - Hyunjin asked

"Yes, that would be me." - Felix answered still not looking up at the older

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